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The stitches had always been ripped out of me

but this time I ripped them out of you.

I walked over a rainbow color blind,

Looked into the eyes of a fairy and clipped its wings.

With pockets full of pixie dust,

Snorting it like cocaine.

Stuffing happiness into the body till it bursts my skin,

Fuck the tears bring on the vodka,

If I'm gonna cry at least let me dance, take the shoes

off by blistered feet and untie my hair.

I want glitter on my face to outshine the sorrow in my eyes.

My lips taste like strawberries, does anyone want a taste?

Laying on the bathroom floor,

a kaleidoscope of colours traced on my skin.

Ripping my face apart in the mirror and writing my name in blood on the wall.

I can hear the music it's calling my name,

the angels have made my bed.

I think I'm ready to go to sleep now.

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