In Love

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I know I'm in love.

I could pin my feelings to a point,

recite them backward,

because I know I'm in love.

His chiseled voice  leaves naked kisses on my skin

I'm bare for him.

Days don't count but breaths do

Sharing the same sun but never the same sunset

Silence tears at my bones,

Unfinished words speak to my heart...

His eyes warm me,

the beauty under my skin glows.

And I feel less cold.

But the oceans have never felt so cold

my tears in a drought

cheekbones like boulders

Delicate fingers molding me into shape

just kiss it all away.

But why do step seems so much longer?

His feet will touch my grounds

Break down time until it's just the two of us

Watch autumn, winter and spring die

Then we can water the flowers together.

He's not here,

and I'm not there.

But yet, I'm in love.

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