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"There are things you should work hard for as seniors, that's why you'll be doing community work as your big project that'll contribute to your final marks. This will done alone as each and every individual will be assessed and evaluated by whom ever that'll be guiding you. Okay, have a nice day! " , I listened to Mrs Davis as her words made my life a little bit more hard to live.

Community work? I'll ask Mrs Mary for suggestions.

The bell rang signaling lunch time. students filled the hallways, rushed to the cafeteria and well me, I go to my usual spot- the parking lot. I always make my lunch only because I can't afford everyday meals here at school. I walked to my designated bench and took out my lunch, earphones and my phone.

I have been sitting here for almost 20 minutes when I heard faint sniffing. I got up,took my gadgets with me and threw my remains in the trash. I followed the sniffing but couldn't really detect properly where they are from. The bell rang, shoot I've got 3 minutes left!

"Hello? are you okay?", I asked no one in particular. I walked faster, around the school to the teacher's parking lot. The bell rang signaling I have a minute left to get to class


5 minutes into physical science and my attention and concentration was at a level zero.
Only 25 minutes more and try outs begin.

I opened my notebook and started writing notes on some stupid law.

Time flew by quickly, next thing I hear the bell ringing signaling to go for try outs .

I went to my locker and put all my books in, rushed to change into comfortable clothes.

"Back flip, a split and a full split. Twirl, jump high up touching your toes and do a deathdrop." I instantly felt sick.

Is this so-called captain crazy? It's try outs not die outs! I knew coming to cheerleading was a bad idea.
I began walking away towards the track before I kill myself trying to do a 'deathdrop'.

"Oh no miss, you can't go now. That's the rule." ,Miss captain stopped me.

"Uh, what rule? " , I asked looking confused knowing well what she was talking about.

"Don't play dumb. C'mon, one try then you can leave. "

I groaned loudly.

I stepped onto the middle of the field- of course where everyone could see me.

I attempted a black flip and ended up landing on my butt.

I stretched out my legs and went down and did a split. I changed my position and did a full split. I twirled, jumped up and slightly touched my toes and well for my deathdrop, I flipped the bird to the captain and that little smug fell off her face. I ran towards track to join the bunch stretching.

I really didn't feel abused here, I practically run for the bus most of the time and well, from my problems too, so I must be fit enough for this.

Mr Brown, the track coach blew his whistle for us to start our track tries which wasn't fair if you ask me. We were mixed- boys and girls- and well me, I seemed to fit just fine into either both genders.

We were supposed to run 6 laps and I was on the 4th one and most of the girls were dying already on their 3rd one.

I noticed a shadow beside me and turned my head to see who it is and well, the guy from the incident from a week ago comes into view.

I nearly peed on myself.

"You? What are you doing here? You wanna kill me? Please don't" , I rambled with threatening tears in my eyes.

"Uh, excuse me miss, this is ironic cause a week I was the one begging not to be killed. Remember? " , he said whilst matching my pace.

"What happened exactly? ", I asked.

"Some things are better left unsaid princess. " , with that he left picking up his speed.

Instagram & Twitter : r_cocolatte
Snapchat: reankiiexoxo 

These TearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz