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A knock on the door woke me up. I ignored it and pulled the covers back over my head.

"It's Rosie, your dad told me to wake you up. "

"It's too early."

"It's 7:30am if I didn't know any better I'd say you're late for school. "

"Okay, thank you Rosie. "

I stood up and headed to my bathroom to take a shower and ended up taking the shortest shower of 10 minutes. I wrapped a towel around my body and did my hair then proceeded to lotion up with my Shea Butter body cream then put some foot cream on my feet.

I put on my uniform that Rosie ironed for me the night before and checked my backpack if I have everything for the day. I took the necklace that has 'mom' written on it at the front and wore it around me neck and tucked it in so it wouldn't be seen, school rules.

Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if my mom was still around, neither do I nor my dad know where she went and why exactly.

I jogged downstairs and took a granola bar and a bottle of water since I'm already late.

My dad was in the tv room watching the news.

"Morning papa, I'm ready. "

"It's okay babygirl you can take the car from now on."

"Your car?"

"No, Yours. "

I looked at him confused and he began laughing while holding his stomach from so much laughter.

"Oh! You thought I bought you a car? My bad, of course my car babygirl. The keys are on the key holder."

Really dad?

"Okay, see you when I get back. "

"Aren't You going to give your daddy a kiss today?"

"I'm mad, you played my feelings." I mumbled.

"Don't mumble, come gimme a kiss."

I kissed his cheek and quickly ran to the kitchen to take the keys and rushed out of the door to the car so that I can arrive just in time for first period.

Arriving at school just in time I parked next to Jasmine's car.

I speed walked to first period just like every other student here. I sat in front for science today and I regretted due to the simple fact that I was sleepy most of the time only because I was up until late doing school work and wrapping up my community service project that I decide to at the local clinic.

The bell for next period rang and to say I was relieved would be an understatement.

After several periods of English and Italian it was time to head to homeroom.

I took a seat near the window and waited for the rest of the students to fill up the classroom.

Once everyone was in, Mrs Davis began to speak about the importance of giving back to the community and how much of an impact you make and it starts somewhere and fortunately for us, it's now, at a young age and hopefully we carry it on as we get older.

Just as the bell rang, I submitted my project and went to my locker to put and retrieve a few books.

Right on cue, Israel walked towards me with a blank face sending a death glare my way.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?"

"You. Word is that you're messing with France. "

"First of all, I'm not and how do you know France?"

"It doesn't matter. You need to leave that dumb guy, he is no good especially for you."

"Oh? And you are?"

"That's right mami, I am."

"Uh please " with that I went to my dad's  car planning on going home to catch up on sleep.

"Where are you going? It's only 11:30."

"We're having a half-day just in case you forgot. "

I did not wait for his response, I got in and closed the door and headed home.


"Aye, sleepy head wake up."

"Whatchu want. Go away."

"I'm not going away. Let's go Cammie"

"I don't want to go. I'm tired Jas, you should be too."

"France is going to be there"

It only took France's name to fully wake me up and be aware of my surroundings.

Jas was wearing shorts and a tank top with brown gladiator sandals.

"Bitch you cute and simple. Damn Jas, you back for real!"

"Yup, go brush your teeth cause your breath stink a bit and wash your face and I'll pick an outfit for you. "

"Well, thanks for keeping it real with me "

I went to my bathroom and took a short shower and brush my teeth. I lotioned up real quick and fixed my hair.

Jas laid out a sundress and a pair of sandals on my bed. I took my whole outfit to my walk in closet and chose a  matching undergarment set then quickly put on my whole outfit.

"Cammie hurry up I'm hungry."

"It's only 3pm Jas, you'll survive. "

I took my purse and keys and said goodbye to Rosie.

We rode in Jasmine's car to the trap house.

"Dang, I've got 10 missed calls from France. " I said.

"Yup, that's why he asked me to bring you. He likes you. " Jasmine replied.

"Well, I don't."

"Lies, you do."

" Okay. 49% yes. "

"Bitch, where's the other 51%?"

"I don't know and I'm not even trying to find out. I'm just being careful. I mean, he's older than me regarding he's in university and like you said he's in his hoe phase. "

"Okay girl, I hear you. You good "

Jasmine punched in the code to open the gate and by now I've memorised it . She parked her car next to an Audi.

We both got out and headed to the door. We went in and everyone was just chilling.

Single boys playing 2k, all couples were boo'd up.

"Hey guys." Jas and I said simultaneously.

"About time." France said.

"Aye Jas, may you please braid my hair?" A darkskinned guy named Landon asked out loud.

"Well, I'm hungry" I said heading to the kitchen with Jasmine.

"Lemme feed you babygirl." France said then kissed my forehead.

I smiled.

"I mean real food."

"You'll be full for 9 months Cammie. "

"Boy! You better move before I punch you."

"Don't act like you don't like it Cam." Kain spoke up while entering the kitchen.

"Tell her brother."

"Soon you'll be boo'd up with my homeboy " Kain said while existing.

"Don't let them put things in your head France, You're not getting this coochie. " I said.

"Yet." He said

Happy New Year y'all. I wish y'all a prosperous year ahead. I love y'all.



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