Colours of life

45 4 3

My Room

10:00 PM


My Room

10:00 PM

Dear Ara,

Today was rough. We had to go to school (Ugh) and after that, sports. (Especially swimming, I can't stand getting my hair wet.)

All I could think of is going back to 'the room' again. I'll tell you more later, but mom's coming now. I have to go or she'll scold me for not sleeping early enough. She'll definitely take my book awa


My Room

2:00 AM

Dear Ara,

Sorry! I couldn't finish the sentence, mom took the book away. I had to secretly steal it back. Anyways, I'll tell you about the room Aysha and I found.

We walked back from school. Then we stopped at this little store. That store used to be a... Jewelry store? I don't know, but it sold expensive stuff that barely anyone was able to afford.

I mean, we have enough money, but nobody would spend any money on just getting prettier, right?

Well, not in this world, anyways.

xxx Lizzy


School, English Class 301

9:00 AM

Dear Ara,

Today, Aysha and I are so going back to the room to find out more. Yesterday, when we walked back from school, and though the glass walls and windows of the store, we saw a flash of neon green, then a zap of purple. Then nothing. Just the scratched and torn wallpaper.

There was usually a pale blue fur carpet on the floor, but now it's just the ugly cement. The pearly white tables were dusty. Aysha coughed near one of the broken windows and the dust raised. It was a thick wave, and it smelt like smoke.

Inside of the jewelry show, there was another room, where all the employees and the stored the precious stones.

That was the room we saw the glowy things.

Why? What is that? Well, I'll tell you more today when we GO inside the actual store.

Okay, I have to go, the teacher is comming and im making a lot of mistakes on this thing i dont care i have to go ah the teacher omg hel me the teacher is com


Teacher's Office's Waiting Room

4:46 PM

Dear Ara,

Sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my parents to come out. Sighs, that means no more investigation for today.

The teacher caught me writing in my diary, again. We were supposed to write our essays thing about... um something related to being yourself, I'm not so sure.

But then the teacher called my parents and said there was a little 'issue' I had with my diary. I wanted to beg her, but she threatened to take my diary away, so nevermind.

Oh, I hear them. Saying thank yous and stuff. Okay, well, don't want to get in trouble this time, so bye!

xxx Lizzy



7:42 PM

Dear Ara,

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