"Any new guys this year?" Ellie asked as she looked around the courtyard.

"Not that I saw." Nina sighed in frustration. She is the one girl in our group that is very confident when it comes to boys. You could dare her to go up to a guy and make out with them and she will do it without hesitation. She is very entertaining I will just say that.

"We should get to class. We don't want to start off this school year on the teachers bad sides." Em said as she looked down at her light pink Rolex.

"Okay, see you ladies at lunch." Ellie smiled at us.

"Usually spot?" Nina smiled.

"Of course. Now let's go Kay I don't want to sit next to someone annoying." I told her. She laughed and we started walking towards our first period.

When we walked in I groaned when I saw the teacher was giving us assigned seats.

"Fuc-" I started but the teacher cut me off.

"Language Miss. Jackson!" She scolded. I rolled my eyes and waited for her to sit me with somebody. She directed me to a seat in the front of the class. Luckily I wasn't sat by anyone I couldn't handle.I smirked to myself as I heard Kay giggle a few feet away. I looked up and saw she was sitting a few desks away. I rolled my eyes playfully at her when I saw she was sitting next to Dylan with a goofy smile on her face.

"Alrighty class. I'm going to hand out a piece of paper with the rules on it. And it also has a list of supplies you will need for this class." Mrs. Snyder said as she started handing out the paper.

"That class was so freaking boring. Can Mrs. Snyder get any duller?" Kay groaned as we walked down the hallway. We have four classes a day at an hour and a half long each, and we have an hour long lunch. I like the long lunch but hate the long classes.

"Well have fun in English. Hopefully the new teacher is nice." Kay said as she walked into her next class. I smiled at her and kept walking to my math class. When I approached the door I see Ellie waiting for me.

"How was history?" She asked me.

"Boring as hell." I groaned.

"I'm sure this won't be much better." She chuckled. We stepped inside the class right as the bell rang.

"Okay class I'm going to putting you in assigned seats, so please be quiet so you can hear when I call your name." A man in his late twenties early thirties said.

"Mr. Payne is quite attractive." Ellie whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and forced the giggle back. He began seating people at the tables.

"Is he new?" Ellie asked pointing to a guy. I looked where she was pointing and saw a boy with brown curly hair that is partly pushed back so it's not entirely in his face. He is wearing a white V-neck with black skinny jeans, and white converse. He has tattoos all over his arms, but it wasn't a sleeve just random spots. Some of them look rather dumb to me, but maybe they have meaning to him.

"That is Harry. He doesn't really talk much." A girl named Alexa whispered to us. Ellie and I nodded and Alexa walked away to where Mr. Payne was seating her.

"He is hot, but looks like trouble." Ellie whispered to me.

"I like troubled hot boys though." She added with a grin on her face. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. I don't need any guys in my life right now. Ryan really hurt me and I have a lot on my mind right now I don't need boy drama.

"Eva Jackson, you will be sitting here." Mr. Payne said pointing to a table for two. I sighed and walked over and sat down in the chair closest to the wall. I was glad that the table was towards the back of the class. Mr. Payne scanned the class list in his hands.

"Harry Styles, you will sit next to Eva." He said simply before going to the next table. All the girls looked at me with envy as Harry slowly approached our table and sat down in the empty seat next to me. I'm not going to lie and say he isn't attractive because he is. He smells really good too. We didn't say anything, or look at each other. He was glued to his phone (he was hiding it under the table) and I was watching Ellie get paired with the class nerd. She will like that, she has someone to cheat off of.

"Now that everyone has their seat for the rest of the semester, please take out a piece of paper and a pencil please." Mr. Payne commanded. I did as I was told and waited for the next set of instructions.

"Give me paper and a pencil." I heard a deep British voice demand. It took me a second to realize it was Harry.

"You're British?" I asked surprised. I wasn't expecting him to be British.

"No shit. Now give me a pencil and a piece of paper." He commanded.

"Excuse me?" I said with raised eyebrows.

"Now." He said with a fake smile.

"Is there a problem you two?" Mr. Payne asked us noticing the two of us talking, while he was giving out directions of what to do next.

"Nope." Harry said with a fake smile plastered on his face. I hear all the girls sigh when they heard his accent. I rolled my eyes and just gave Harry a pencil and one piece of paper, so I didn't get into trouble.

"You're welcome." I snarled when he didn't say anything.

"Whatever." He snapped quietly. He might be hot and British but he is a major dick. The rest of the class was annoying. He kept tapping his no, MY pencil on the table instead of doing the work Mr. Payne gave us to do. We had to fill a piece of paper front and back with facts about ourselves, so we can write a paper on ourselves tonight. He had nothing on his paper, where mine was completely full by the time the bell rang.

"Can you give me my pencil back?" I asked him as we walked out of the room. He looked at me and licked the pencil.

"Mature." I said sarcastically. He grinned at me before bumping into my shoulder as he walked away.

"This is going to be a long year." I groaned quietly to myself.

A/N: So there you have it folks Chapter 1 of My Complicated Life Thank you to all of you whom voted on the A/N (summary and character stuff) it's means a lot to me.... And if you commented on it as well thank you as well.

Lot's Of Love,


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