Just in Case...(6)

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You try to remember what you had forgotten. Then, it hit you. YOU FORGOT TO CLOSE THE DOOR! You hurry to the door and close it. Close one. You go on to look for clues. There was blood on the carpet but you remember that the victim (You frown (Juniper Woods was Athena Cykes's best friend))'s head was found in the refrigerator. You hear footsteps coming to the apartment. You can only get to one before the person (Presumably the murderer) comes to the door and maybe knock down the door.

(If you go to the fridge, go to page 10)

(If you look at the carpet first, go to page 17)

Can You Solve A Murder? (A Choose Your Own Adventure)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum