"I got the best scores of my school, attended cram school, became captain of both basketball and soccer, even planed and designed a house for your company! I did all of that so you would be proud of me! But that time never came! You would never even ask how school went for us! So I stopped trying to make you proud and did so many awful things that I wanted to get away from the person that caused that pain! You Hanshiro Izumo was and still is the source of my pain! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have moved back to that house again! Because of you I lost everything! I can't work as the architect I've always wanted to become! I can't see Hiro's baby girl! I lost my sight! And most importantly I lost my dad!" She began coughing uncomfortably. Blood started dripping from her hands.

A tear left the grown man as he searched for a doctor.

"Help please its my daughter!!" His voice cracked.

Doctors ran into Sayuri's room trying to stabilize her while her father stayed outside shocked of what had just happened.

"Hanshiro!What happened?!" The man said nothing to his wife. What Sayuri said really struck him. "Hanshiro!" Yelled his wife shaking him back and forth trying to get his attention.

She quit trying knowing it was useless and ran towards a doctor to get answers.  When she found out she started hyperventilating.

Luckily she was in a hospital so the doctors were able to help her.

2 hours later

Two hours has gone by since the Incident. This time Hanshiro didn't make the mistake of leaving his daughter.

He had realized his mistakes and is willing to leave his job for the sake of his daughter's well being.

The mother got up once she saw the doctor.

"Doctor how is my daughter?!" Hanshiro also got up to hear the doctors response.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your daughter has gone into a coma." The word coma was the only word the two parents heard.

"N-no not my little girl!" The mother cried.

"H-how did this happen?" Asked Hanshiro.

"Her brain was already injured and her uncontrollable coughing triggered something and caused her to go into a coma. I'm truly sorry, but there is nothing more we can do." The doctor left before bowing to the two Izumo's.

Its all my fault

Was all Hanshiro could think of.

Two months later

Everyone has found out about Sayuri's accident, and all of them paid her a visit.

Even her co workers and boss came to see how she was doing.

Sasuke has been locked up in his room, and when he was forced to go to school he skipped to go see Sayuri. Everyone is worried about him. He hasn't eaten well either.

Kaori and Hiro's daughter was born a month ago. They both desired to name her Yukino. They liked the name because it reminded them of Sayuri in a way.

She loves the snow and Yuki means both happiness and it also means snow.

Sayuri thought of the name as well. The day Yukino was born they went to Sayuri's room so the small girl had the chance to meet her godmother. Yes godmother, it was suppose to be a surprise though.

Right now the one in her room is non other then the one of the cause of all her mishaps.

"I can't believe it took me so long to come to my senses. I'm so sorry honey. Please forgive me." The man had very little sleep because he wanted to have the chance to see his daughter wake up and apologize for all he's done.

Sayuri's POV

I was coughing uncontrollably. My lungs hurt, like it was on fire. Everything was getting blurry and soon enough I lost consciousness.

"What happened?" I asked. All I could see was myself laying on a bed with Iv tubes in my arms and other hospital equipment.

"What the-" I saw the door open and it was Hanshiro.

I don't know what it was, but there was something different about him.

"Hey honey. I'm sorry I took long. I had to take your mom home. She's very worried about you, and so am I. Please wake up soon."

Time seemed to pass by and I was in what looked like the house I lived in with Hiro and the others.

Everyone was there.

Hanshiro, mom, Hiro and the others.

"What's going on?" I asked myself.

This is so weird. First I'm in the hospital then suddenly I'm here.

"You have to rest honey. Look at you, you look worse then when you come home from work." My mom scolded him.

I got a closer look at him and she was right he does look even worse then he used to when he would come from work late every night.

"I can't. I have to stay with Sayuri!" He yelled walking towards the exit of the door.

No one ran after him since they know its useless.

"He still feels guilty doesn't he?" Asked Minori. My mother nodded.

"He thinks its his fault Sayuri is in a coma. He truly is changing. He hasn't talked or gone to work since he's been here. Emi and Yuri are taking care of his business along with the help of Sir Fugaku." My mother said rubbing her upper arm.

"What if its too late for him to change?" Raiden said sadly referring to me dying. Yuki hit him in the head along with Miko. "Oi that hurt!" He whined.

"Well don't say crap like that next time!" Yelled Miko. Yuki nodded her head agreeing with Miko.

"I was just asking." He said innocently.

"If it is too late then I don't think he'll ever be the same again." My mother said looking down sadly.

Have I caused all of this to happen?

Once again the scene changed and I was now back at the hospital. Hanshiro was on a chair trying not to fall asleep.

Has he really changed? Or is it just one of those times when people say they change, but when everything goes back to normal they do to?

I observed him for as long as I was here.

It felt like days and weeks went by, and he's rarely left the hospital. Only when mother would plead him to go home and rest would he leave.

So can I truly say I have my dad back?

Before I knew it everything suddenly turned white.

Third POV

The man stood still staring at his youngest daughter with sorrowful eyes.

"I can't believe it took me so long to come to my senses. I'm so sorry honey... Please forgive me." He whispered tears already cascading down his cheeks. "I promise if you come back to us I will do just as you ask me to. If you want me to leave you alone I will. Just as long as you wake up I don't care if you hate me. Please... Wake up." He shut his eyes closed waiting for the response he knows he won't get.

"Crying doesn't fit you... Dad."

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