Chapter 40- Miracle

Depuis le début

"Is he ok?", I asked her worriedly.

"Well, he's in a critical condition. Luckily, we were able to control most of the bleeding earlier. His ribs are cracked in some areas and he's got a broken leg.

"The doctor gave him several stitches, but the concussion on his head is what we're most concerned about."

The nurse opened the door for me and immediately, I spotted both of Tyler's parents talking to the doctor. All three of them glanced in my direction and then Jackie headed over, wrapping me into a huge hug as she cried.

I admit, I was a bit surprised as I hugged her back. I expected her to be cold and hostile since I had broken up with her son. But instead, she was the complete opposite.

"Oh, Christine. Paul and I are so thankful you came. Tyler keeps insisting that he needs to see you. Are you ok, dear?", she spoke.

"I'm fine," I reassured her. Relief washed over me at the fact that Tyler hadn't lost his memory.

The nurse left and then I walked over to where he lay. I collapsed onto a chair and sobbed hysterically as I took in the severity of his injuries.

Deep gashes and bruises covered his torso along with several attached wires and oxygen tubes, and his left leg was wrapped up in a cast.

I gently ran my hand along Tyler's scarred, pale, and lifeless face, shivering at how cold he was. His eyes were closed shut and I looked over at the monitor to observe his heartbeat. It was the only thing keeping me sane right now, knowing that he was alive.

A mental image of Tyler getting body slammed a few years ago during his game against the Avs suddenly flashed into my mind. I remembered how terrified I had been for him that night, but this time, his injuries were much worse.

Tyler's friends and teammates must've paid him a visit earlier since there were tons of flowers and gifts all over the floor. I'd definitely have to get him something tomorrow.

The sudden quietness of the room caused me to glance behind my shoulder, and I realized that everyone had left. It was just me and Tyler.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have told you that I never wanted to see your face again," I said quietly, bending down so that I was face-level with him. I held one his hands in mine, stroking it with my thumb.

Silence filled the air as I awaited any response from Tyler.

"I can't believe you actually came," he spoke with a ragged breath moments later, coughing afterwards. Seeing him like this absolutely tore me apart.

"I had to. I would've have left you in the first place if I knew that something like this was going to happen. How badly are you hurt right now?"

"Christine, the physical pain I'm enduring could never hurt as much as when you said that you didn't love me anymore."

"I-I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," I pleaded, wiping away my tears.

"Christine?", a familiar male voice called behind the door.

I gave Tyler one last look and gently kissed his forehead before getting up to see who it was. A shocked gasp escaped my lungs as I opened the door to be greeted by my fiancé, dressed in his formal work attire.

"Oh my god, Damon, what are you doing here?", I asked him, completely appalled.

"We need to talk," he demanded, pulling me out of the room before shutting the door.

"Damon, I-,"

"Andrew called me yesterday. He was visiting his cousin in Winchester."

"What does this have to do with anything?"

Becoming Mrs. SeguinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant