The Mood Ring

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"I am in no mood to be deceived any longer
by the crafty devil and the false
character whose greatest pleasure
is to take advantage of everyone."
Camille Claudel

Splattering big blotches of paint on the canvas can be the messiest, whilst the most entertaining and satisfying thing a person could ever do. The canvas is like a mood ring. The artist may have chosen their color pallet, but the artistic product is not fully complete until they are deeply, andemotionally tied to the piece. Colors seem to come to the mind of the artist, not the other way around. Each color represents a different emotion. For example, black represents emotions of fear and anguish; all the emotions people would assume to be associated with bleak darkness. Then there's yellow which means distracted or mellow (which, just happens to rhyme with yellow).

When thinking about these polar opposite colors, I suppose one could see why they represent the things they do. Red obviously appears when one is nervous or angry, thus, these emotions are a reminder of the emotions which ignite a passionate flame inside our hearts. With a blooming fire in mind, it's nice to think that the object which extinguishes its sting are blue waters, which carry calming thoughts. The flowing of water, you could say, is one of the most peaceful things a human could experience in their lifetime. It may be different for other's, but the cool sensation of water which flows over one's body, seems more appealing than the crackling of a burning fire.

Now, that's not to say there isn't danger in the calming call of deep blue waters. Just as there is danger in fire, there can be danger in water. One's strongest asset, can also be their greatest weakness. People must learn their limits and recognize when they are stepping over their own boundaries. I'm not one to talk though; many people sell me the idea that I have no boundaries - that if I try and try and try to reach the limitless sky, I will eventually fly. But they're wrong.

Notice how I said "people", and not friends and family. I believe that people often will confuse the words "people" or "person", "friend" and "acquaintances". They all hold different meanings that represent how deep one's relationship goes with another person. I don't have friends and family to address, I have family. Then outside of my home, I have acquaintances. How many? I'm not sure; but I'm sure the number will continue to grow.

I can be confident of that.

Why? Because of my mood ring color: Royal blue

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