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Chapter 9

October sat quietly at the table sipping her wine and watching Negan as he stared at her. His eyes were bright, almost as if glowing with fever, with an undercurrent of something else she couldn't quite put her finger on. They had just finished dinner, spaghetti and meatballs.
She was still reeling from his confession to her earlier.
So what? Now he's in love with me? Shit.
Never in her life had she dealt with someone that was in love with her. It was always the other way around. She decided to just play this by ear and see where it goes. It helped that he was at least attractive. She cleared her throat.
"Thank you for the dinner...and saving my life." She said, almost a whisper. She met his eyes, the intensity still glowing and surging.
Before she could blink, his lips were on hers and she felt herself catch fire from the intensity of his passion.
She was pushed up against the wall, her hands pinned above her head, his breath caressing her face. She caught the scent of his cologne, the scent of him. His eyes probed deeply into hers.
"You. Are. My. Girl.," he growled in a deep low voice, pronouncing each word slowly. He kissed her again, harder, more passionate.
He pressed his body against hers, his thigh pressed against her pussy. He slid his free hand up and down her body, coming to rest between her legs. She shivered and whimpered slightly, her body pulsing. The sensation of his hand traveling over her body left electric currents shooting throughout her. She never felt like this before, this foreign feeling new to her. "I don't want anybody else."
As he said it he released her hands and took out his switchblade and lifted her dress, grabbing her underwear and cutting it off, tossing it over his shoulder along with the switchblade.
It all happened so fast October didn't have time to react.
Before she knew it his pants were down and all that was left was his shirt. She couldn't help but notice how big he was.
Holy shit! Is that even gonna fit?!
She finally gave in to the feeling that she was experiencing and grabbed at the shirt he was wearing, trying to take it off. She managed to rip part of it, but he took it off and tossed it aside. She threw her arms around his neck as he lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist.
He violently thrust into her, over and over, her back hitting the wall hard. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried hard not to yell when she felt her body tense, a tingling sensation overwhelming her. "Oh Fuck!" She cried out, panting hard and curling her toes. "That's it baby, come for me." He whispered, kissing her.
"Jesus Christ you're big!" She whined. He chuckled. "So I'm told," He managed between moans. "Tell me your mine. I wanna hear you say it."
When she didn't respond, he pushed his hips against hers and thrust deeper, making her yelp in surprise. She could feel him pressing up against her cervix. "I'm your's," she whimpered, meeting his eyes. There was electricity in his eyes like she never saw before. "Always."
Satisfied, he continued to thrust into her until he finally experienced his own climax. He shuddered and groan as he came in her, still thrusting and then slowing to a stop. He kissed her passionately, slowly. She kissed him back.
When he let her go and she landed on her feet, instead of standing she collapsed, her knees weak. He stared down at her and smirked. "Looks like I fucked the spring out of your step."
October smirked. "Ha ha." He reached down and lifted her up, placing her on the bed. He sat down and undid the laces of his shoes, discarding them, then his pants. Completely naked now, he crawled under the covers. October took her dress off, threw it on the floor, and joined him. She rested her head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat.
He held her tightly like she might slip away at any moment. She was enjoying being held. She had hardly ever been held in all her twenty three years on this planet.
"I'm so sleepy," October murmured. Negan chuckled. "That's because you just used up a lot of energy baby girl," he replied casually , stroking her hair. "I, on the other hand, am ready for round two."  October looked up and stared at him. He busted out laughing at her expression. "Not right this minute, but soon."  October smacked his arm playfully.
He kissed the top of her head. "How come your parents named you October?" He asked her. She stiffened slightly. She was always uncomfortable talking about her parents, especially her father. "My mother came up with it," she replied. "Sometimes she called me Toby for short, or at least that's what I was told by my dad. I was born in October, on the 31st. She left when I was a baby so I don't remember much of her."
He said, "Well I like it, your name I mean. I think it's unique."
She said, "Thank you."
"So what about your father? Did-" he started, but stopped suddenly. She appeared as if she might cry at any minute. He said, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was uncomfortable for you to talk about your parents." She sniffed. "It's fine. I just had a not so great life."
She turned over on her back and stared at the ceiling, trying to hold back her tears. Negan turned over on his side so he was facing her. He stroked her cheek, watching her intently.
"You have me now. And I'm going to do my fucking best to make you happy."
She turned her head and met his eyes. "Why do you like me so much? I mean, what do you see in me that you don't see in any other woman?" She asked him. "You barely know me."
His face grew serious, and for a moment October regretted asking that question. She remained silent and hoped she had not angered him.
"You remind me of my wife, Lucille. You have her caring nature and good heart. Christ, even your personalities are almost alike," He explained. "But you also have that fire, that fighting spirit she used to have too."
October didn't know what to say, so she remained silent.
"But..," he started, looking down at his hand. "You're a lot like me too." He said it so low she almost didn't hear him completely.
"How-," she started to ask, but he cut her off.
"You'll do anything to survive, that's how. You wouldn't stop to think twice to take someone down that tries to get in your way, and your not afraid to take risks." He smiled at her. "That's one of the things that made me fall for you. That and how you make me feel when I'm around you." October met his eyes and could see he wanted to say something else, but was reconsidering it. She hated when people did that with her. His smile was gone now.
"Tell me," she demanded of him. "I fucking hate secrets." When he didn't answer her, she scoffed. "Fine. Fuck it. Don't tell me then," she snapped, getting out of bed. He reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her back in bed with him.
"Let go of me you fucker!" She tried to pull her arm out of his grasp, but now she was on her back, both arms pinned to either side of her head, his body pressed against hers. That intense look was back in his eyes.
"I love you," he whispered in an agonized voice. "I'm so in love with you I don't fucking know if I'm coming or going."
His lips crashed into hers, his tongue exploring her tongue in a passionate dance. She let her resistance break, giving in to him completely. She looked deep into his eyes. She realized he wasn't playing a game with her. A part of her wondered just how serious he was and what depths he would go to in order to prove it to her.
She wrapped her arms around him, traced the tattoo on his arm with her fingers, feeling the soft skin there. She felt him enter her and how big he was, her body trying to adjust to his size, her legs wrapped tight around his waist.
He made calm, deliberate, possessive love to her half the night, sucking on her neck, on the sweet spot just under her ear.
He continued to whisper how much he loved her through the night.

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