Is it me I cant do it

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___________MENDY'S P.O.V__________

Everyone thinks that I am the one to kill Jane. I am only 12 but, I did say I would do it

I just said that to sound big. I need to watch what I said because I didn't really

Want to , but I did sound tough 👏👏👏👏👏. You have to tell the truth I did


Never mind that, I have other things to worry about. What I need to do is train , she is most likely

Doing that

She is so low to even think of fighting me,

Well I did almost kill her but

, that doesn't me kill me.😑

See this is why I didn't want to be a monster , this is why I wanted to run away

Being a monster is doodoo

Your lucky that you don't have to do this








Marry:" I thought you did"

Mendy:" no I lied mom"

Marry:"next time don't lie"

Mendy:" I didn't know better"

Marry:"we'll now you do"

Mendy:mommy what to do 😪😢😥😨"

Marry:" I have to think"

Maraln:"I can help"

Mendy:" lol your funny"

Marry:" what powers do you have"

Maraln:" well my nails never went back , and there is something called a gun"

Mendy:" yeah but killing with a gun isn't fair"

Maraln:" what isn't fair is that she killed all of my friends in front of me , and i'm missing school"

Marry:" true , so your nails can wipe her memo so that she wouldn't want to kill mii baby"

Mendy:" yeah that to"

The only problem is we don't know when she is coming . We just know it will be soon  really soon.  I'm also worried that I will die at 12 . My life just started t can't be over now -_- , it wouldn't be fair . This is all Janes  fault       I always wished she wasn't such a B .

That's just Jane tho.

I have to much on my mind, you would to if you knew that you might die. I really should train ...but I don't feel like it .

Maybe I can just make her move around with my eyes , then leave  her in the air

until further notice.

 so me and Maraln later took a walk , we just talked about  how life is going and things.

nothing to classie and things 

why does this have to be my life...

I don't have to worry because

after this i will be human i told

my mom that i wanted to be human

She didnt even get mad because

she knows how i feel

her mom didnt let her

now it's to late

so im gonna be human , im gonna be human 


i can't wait to go to

school with real people

i would still live with my parents

but they will slowly changed

when we move above the underworld

I am still on this whole

jane thing she is on earth

maybe she is losing her powers

for being above the underworld 

for to long 


out of all the girl it had to be me.

It's to much to carry


Can't wait to be normal

but before i think of that i have

to keep my eye on for Jane



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