Funny how money ain't sweet like suger

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only 7 more kills to go in 8 days. Jane really  needs to let me go I'm only 14 like come on if I leave now I will be normal again.

So I'm going to try tonight , I don't have school today , so tonight is perfect . Mendy tho , she is like a little sister but, I haven't seen Marry in some days.

Mendy comes to Janes house every day to see me . Like today.

Mendy noticed my nails and hair , and shook her head .

"What?" I asked

" a human turned in to a monster , like me " she looks at her hands.

" don't say that , your bute but whats your power " I look all around her and sat on the couch.

" I can move things with my eyes , that's why I wear this mask , so I don't go out of control " she take' off her mask and , moves a vase to one desk to, another .

" oh any other things " I try to think what she will say.

" umm ... I can do this , look at my hair " her hair turned in to a figure that looked like hands made out of hair . Her hair then got longer and that same vase she moved with her eyes , she picked up with her hands .

" that's sooo cool" I shake the hair hand .

" use ' monsters' need powers , like your nails , you kill them and whip anyone that saw it memo" she makes her hair normal . I told her all about my plans to leave she didn't want me to goo she told me " you can live with me and stay for-ev-er".

They way she said it was weird but, her mom came to get her , but she talked to marry first . I walked to Janes room and herd there convo.

Marry: I thought you was going to kill her"

Jane" I was but I will she if she will kill the 10 people , if she don't she dead there is only 8 days left , and 7 more people to go"

Marry :" soo she did start .."

Jane:" yeah did you not see her claws and red , blond hair?"

Marry :" I didn't really pay her no mind "

Jane:" yeah but she almost killed Kally the other day and I was going to kill Sally "

Marry :" but they are going to come back any ways"

Jane:" so what ? but I don't want Maraln to feel home sick "

Marry:" that's to bad tell her don't say ' Jane , Jane , Jane no more."

Jane :" true her and your Mendy is very close "

Marry :" yeah Mendy likes her "

I left after that I guess every thing is good ,at least in not dead.

________  Mendy's P.O.V _______

I kinds feel bad for Ma-mar-ummm ... oh yeah . Maraln being away from her family , I never told her I can read minds . Wait .... Woahhh she is thinking about  laughing Jack -_- my 10th grade crush. Wait .... HE LIKES HER NOOO ,boo ,boo . That's my man . But I ant stop she from going out with him.

I had to blow her up " OoOo you like LJ don't you ?" I raised my eye brows

" umm .. no what made you think that " she was worried

" lol I can tell time dude " I try hard not to laugh .

" oh so do you , fine I do but just a little " she admits

" That monster in you is growing , but you have to meet his sister Laughing Jill , she is in the 10th grade they are twin, she pretty , she a bad B , she don't play " I showed her a pic

" Zammmmnnnn she look just like Jack" She looked surprise

" see if Jack say you cheated on him or something she will haunt you , so that's why you need to kill your 7 more people so that you won't die" I take back the picture

" well want to go now?" she asked me , as she got up.

" sure lets go let me tell my mom" I ran to go tell my mom she said okay

So me and Maraln left . We went into the real world , I put on my mask. I also give her one , but one so that you can see her eyes . It was now 12:00 the time other monsters come out.

First I let her go first , we went im some boys house he wasn't cute so I didn't care if he was dead.

First I hid behind him and Maraln pulled is foot down and hid . He screamed I looked the door and his parents couldn't come in that's when Maraln sat on his bed and told him .." go to sleep you won't feel anything". He ran to his door and tried to unlock it but she snapped his neck  , pain less.

 6 MORE LEFT... for her

I let her go one more time just because I wasn't ready for my kill . This one was 1.2.3 we went in to a couples room and she killed one , stabbed her in her head next to her husband . And we both jumped out the window . She wasn't going to do anymore so it was my turn.

We went into a boys room he was  about 12 or 13 he was , up playing  the xbox I shut off the tv with my eyes . He looked around and saw me . " who are you he said "

" i'm Mendy " ." umm . Alex , look please don't kill me " he put his arms up .

I took off my mask and let them glow .  Then I called Maraln " Okay Alex look into her nails you will for get any of this ever happened " . I grab Maraln's fingers , the boy did as so he had for gotten every thing that just happened.

" Bye Alex" I waved and jumped out the window .  He ran to the window and looked at my eyes and smiled ." Girl who are you , don't go " he begged " I'm sorry I have to but I will be back beautiful "  me and Maraln ran  away fast but I still heard the boy Alex  say " okay"

He liked me and I think I am in love so me and Maraln went back into our world and we told My mom , Jane and Eyeless Jack all about it . I will tell my mom about the boy another day .





Please mind the mistakes

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