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We were friends for a while before we started dating. I was afraid of opening up to anyone after Yoongi. Somehow Taehyung made it easy for me to open up but he also gave me my space and never pressured me. He was a bit childish but the perfect amount. He'd always act like a kid when he saw me thinking too much and he knew exactly when that was. It was like I had it written all over my face and even when I would try my hardest to hide it. Sometimes he'd act like a puppy and snuggle closely to me and I would brush my fingers through his hair until he fell asleep. He also knew when to be serious. Whenever someone would mess with me, which happened a lot because I usually let people step all over me, Taehyung stood up for me. He'd protect me at all times and I didn't want to love it but I did.

 He'd protect me at all times and I didn't want to love it but I did

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The MasochistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang