Chapter 5: The Seven Sisters

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Rin looked down at Tristan's convulsing body. A virus-like infestation was growing visibly beneath his skin, spreading inward to his internal organs and causing unbearable pain, but he was unable to scream because his lungs were no longer capable of drawing or expelling air.

"It seems this one just might survive," she said, almost hinting that she cared.

"Yes, divine one." Zen replied. "Tristan has shown promise. I have confidence he will be a valuable subject."

"But not a very smart one," she added, visibly irritated by Tristan's earlier remark.

"Wisdom and admiration can be learned, divine one. He is young... and has much to experience. I believe he will prove himself worthy in the end."

"We shall see," she concluded, taking seat on the throne and completely ignoring the epileptic emperor on the floor. The ember from Rin's eyes had faded away, letting Zen know that her mood was now tempered. "Tell me news of the empire."

Zen opened his catalog, which was a relatively large book, always present on his desk in the corner of the throne room.

"No important events to report." Zen said, flipping through the pages. "Work is progressing as planned on the new settlements. Some farmers on the west shores are complaining about their wages. A few... incidents... around the mountain city of Tyre. A flood broke into the port of Tarsella..."

"Incidents?" Rin interjected. "What incidents around Tyre?"

"Well..." Zen sifted the details. "It seems a caravan disappeared last month on the mountain pass, livestock also went missing from nearby farms, and just today we've received report of murder... a guild captain and three of his soldiers were killed. The cause of the first two incidents is still unknown, while the murder is claimed to be the work of an outlaw, still being hunted by the regional guilds."

"One outlaw?"

"Apparently, yes, divine one."


"Most likely."

Tristan's body suddenly stopped convulsing and went still as a rock. His eyes looked dead and fixated somewhere on the floor while his mouth, ears and nose were dripping out a black, viscous substance. Rin grimaced at the sight but paid him no further attention.

"Oberon will take care of this outlaw. Make sure he is informed."

Zen took note. "I'm sure he was informed before I was, divine one. The Guild messengers know the rules. But I will send an imperial notification, just to be sure matters are handled."

"What else?" Rin inquired, taking hold of the Staff of Light. Its orb suddenly shone twice as bright and Rin directed the dispersed rays into a cone shaped beam. As Zen continued reading, Rin aimed the beam at Tristan's body and watched as his pale skin caught fire. Zen could not help but stutter his report at the gruesome sight and smell of burnt flesh.

The body didn't twitch an inch as the beam made its way to the bones. When Rin was finally satisfied, she released the staff and it immediately resumed its normal function as a simple luminary.

"It seems he wasn't worthy after all." Rin concluded, completely losing interest in whatever Zen had left to say. "Pack the body and send it to Oberon along with your notification. I'm sure his underlings will appreciate the snack."

Zen's eyes expressed a deep sadness at the sight of Tristan's now mutilated corpse. The young emperor's final moments were of pure agony, as had been those of the ones before him. The old man wished he could trade his life for Tristan's, but such a thing was not in his power.

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