"We will sort it out on Monday." Roan said. Faye nodded and they went their different ways.


Later that evening Roan was at on her bed with a piece of art work. She was finishing off a few touches when someone knocked on her door.

"Come in." She said. As she did Hazel strutted in with her black high heels and striking red dress. Her hair was up for once and she had put on a leather jacket. Roan wiped her hands on her jeans and smiled.

"Hazel, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"You know the Poison Games?" She asked. Roan nodded. "Well my father wants you to get out of the way. No making noise and no fuss either." She said.

"I was going to stay away anyway." Roan sighed looking back at her work.

"No you don't understand Roan. He wants you out of the picture, out of Liam's life. You are the victim Roan and there is no going back." She grabbed Roan's arm and clicked her fingers. Next thing Roan knew she was in the cellars. Around her were lots of cells. Hazel flung her in one and locked the door. She laughed and swung the key back and fourth.

"Why are you doing this Hazel?" Roan asked.

"Because I don't trust you." She stated.

"With good reason." Roan muttered.


"Nothing." Roan spat. "Liam wont stand for this."

"That's the thing Roan. He isn't eighteen yet, so he has no say in this. You're screwed." She said laughing. Roan listened to the sound of her heels clacking fade away before taking a paperclip from her pocket. She shoved it in the lock and began to try and pick it. After ten minutes she was crying hard as it just wasn't doing anything. It was no use and the worst thing was that Liam had no idea and in fact was still training.

"Focus on the box and nothing else. Don't let anything distract you." Darren willed Liam on, who was staring at the box. His eyes flashed green and his pupils became two black holes that swallowed everything in sight. "Keep going."

Liam was giving it everything and eventually he just let go.

"Ok Liam, what is it? You are distracted and when I find out what it is..."

"It's nothing, I'm just not in the mood for this at the moment."

"Liam you're never in the mood." Darren pointed out. Liam pulled a face at his tutor and went to the door. As he flung it open he leapt back in surprise as Jake stood there.

"Erm Liam...we have a problem." He stammered.

"Go on." Liam said getting worried.

"Well I know who dad has picked for the games tonight." Jake bit his lip.


"Well...don't get too upset....and don't do anything stupid but..."

"Spit it out Jake!"

"Roan. He chose Roan."

Liam' face fell for a second and then his insides began to boil like they never had before. His dad had figured out what was distracting him and he hadn't even told Darren, but somehow he knew he had guessed.

"Where is she?" Liam asked as calmly as he could.


"Where is she?" Liam shouted.

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