Selina Kyle #1

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"You wanna stay on this street corner sweetheart, then you gotta give me a reason to let you stay."

You backed away from the dirty, rotten man who was smirking his crooked yellow teeth at you frighteningly. He continued to walk foreword and your back hit a cold brick wall. You sighed, this was just as cliché as the movies. Why me, you thought?

"Oh, come on darling, I don't bite. Besides we wouldn't want you to freeze out here would we? I can provide great warmth I've been told."

You spat at him, "I'd rather die."

He slowly wiped the spit from his cheek and snarled at you. Well, that was a mistake.

"That can be arranged," he reached foreword and you cowered back.

His ice cold skin grabbed your neck and gripped tightly. You began to panic and grabbed his hand attempting to pry it off your body. He came closer to you and you could smell his alcoholic breath in your face as you began spluttering. The more you struggled the harder his grip became.

BANG! There was a loud noise from above you which made the man drop you and spin around. You landed on the floor with a thud, unable to keep yourself up, your knees collapsing beneath you. You coughed violently and rubbed your hands along your throat.

"WHO'S THERE? STEP OUT INTO THE LIGHT," he shouted at no one in particular.

Nobody replied and so he turned back to you with a grin.

"I guess we can continue then."

He stepped towards you and you curled up into a foetal position in the floor, praying for it to stop.

"GET AWAY FROM HER LIONEL," a girls voice shouted.

Your head shot up following the noise and you saw a young girls shadow.

"Oh, it's you," he snarled disgustingly.

"Yeah it's me, so shove off," she spat back.

"And what are you going to do about it? After all you're just a little girl."

"This is what I'm going to do," she announced before jumping down and landing gracefully on her feet.

She raised something in her hand that looked like a metal pipe and smashed it across his head. The man, now known as Lionel, swayed a little before his body plummeted to the ground.

You both stood there for a second in silence before she dropped the pipe on the floor. The loud noise of the metal colliding with the concrete made you jump and she chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I don't want to hurt you," she reached out her hand for you to grab.

You placed your freezing hand in hers and she pulled you up.

"Are you hurt?" she asked.

"No, I don't think so anyway. My throat hurts but that's it. Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"Is he dead?" you asked feeling an eerie chill down your spine at the thought.

"Oh I wish," she rolled her eyes and then panicked seeing your frightened look, "but no, the impact wasn't hard enough. He's just unconscious and will no doubt have a banging headache when he does eventually wake up."

You nodded not knowing what to say to your rescuer and why she was still here. Any other saviours would have run off by now.

"I'm Selina by the way. But people call me Cat."

"I'm Y/N," you smiled.

"Y/N, that's a pretty name, maybe we should give you a nickname though. I've noticed pretty girls with pretty names don't seem to last so long on the streets so how 'bout we roughen it up?"

You tried to completely ignore the fact that she had called you pretty and struggled to think of a nickname for yourself.

"I really don't know how to roughen up my name," you admitted using hand gestures to put quotation marks around her saying, "how did you know I was living on the streets anyway?"

"When you've been on the streets as long as I have, you become good at spotting these things," she admitted, "plus, any other girl on the streets I know would've knocked him out with that pipe themselves."

"Maybe I'm just not a violent person," you joked.

"Well you're gonna need to be now."

"How do I do that?"

"Do what?" Cats eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Be more violent. Survive."

She smiled at you, "I'll teach you."


"Yeah, stick with me and you'll be fine kid."

You raised your eyebrows, "Kid?"

She laughed, "Now that's more like it."

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