Chapter 3: More stress

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Why am I even doing this? 

"(y/n)!" Yoosung called out. He waved me over, smiling.

I can't get close to them

"(y/n)!!!" He shouted. "Are you even listening??"

"Huh?" I shot my head up quickly, looking in his direction. "Oh- sorry Yoosung. I was just lost in thought." I giggled nervously.

"You sure nothings wrong?" he frowned. I sat next to him "Oh no I'm fine! Really! I promise." I smiled a fake smile and he finally let it go. "Gosh my throat is sore.." I whispered to myself and sighed.

"Huh? (y/n).. You're not eating again?" Luciel asked glaring in my direction. 

I looked over at him wide eyed. "N-no.. I ate a lot for breakfast. So I'm full." 

I hate faking a smile. It feels disgusting. 

"(y/n)." Luciel sighed. "You're worrying us"

Being someone I don't want to be.

"Sorry I didn't mean to worry you, you don't have to! I'm seriously fine!" I smiled again, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

Now that I think about it, It's happening all over again. I have to get away.

"I have to use the restroom, I'll be back!" I waved and walked towards the door. After I was out of their vision I began to sprint down the stairs, before suddenly tripping.

I should just die..

I closed my eyes and let myself fall, before I knew it someone caught me.

"Are you crazy (y/n)?? You could of seriously got hurt.. Be more careful okay?" a familiar voice spoke, sounding almost like a concerned father.

"Zen.." I kept my eyes closed as he held me in his arms.

"I can't-" I fainted. 


3rd person


"Why do you think (y/n) fainted, seven?" Yoosung asked worriedly.

"I know she won't admit it, but I think she's got some kind of eating disorder" Luciel replied, typing things on his phone.

"What do you mean she won't admit it?" Yoosung got defensive.

"Relax yoo." he looked away from his phone, "I've gathered enough information on her." he said putting his phone away back into his pocket. "I suggest we get her help for it, she seems to be getting worse." he said staring down at (y/n)'s body. 

"What! What do you mean she's getting worse!?" he shouted balling up his fists. 

"God seven has this!" Luciel said jokingly. 

"This isn't funny, Seven!" Yoosung shouted, his voice cracked slightly.

"I know it isn't. But- she's either just really stupid or she has an eating disorder" Luciel said seriously and returning his gaze to her body.

"An eating disorder!? What! but she's so beautiful! She shouldn't feel bad about her body!" Yoosung shouted sounding irritated and upset.

"I know Yoo, that's why I'm concerned about her and trying to figure out what the best option is." Luciel said and sighed.

"She's bulimic" Zen spoke up from behind them.

"Huh?" they said in unison.

"She said it to me. It's a long story but she confided in me~" he smirked.

My nerdy hacker, My cute puppy, My sexy model | Mystic Messanger x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat