Chapter 7: A ghostly kindness & a promise

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(Royal Woods, Michigan)

The parents arrived at the Santiago Residence and knocked on the door frantically, and a tall young man quickly answered the door. It was Lori's boyfriend, Bobby.

Bobby: Hey, Mr and Mrs. Loud. What's up? Lori just texted me this morning about her trip to Hollywood and...
Rita: Bobby, we need you and Ronnie Anne to come with us now! The kids are in danger!
Bobby: WHAT?!!!
Lynn Sr.: No time to explain now.
Bobby: Ronnie Anne, come on, we're going to Hollywood! Lincoln and Lori are in trouble.
Ronnie Anne: Oh,no! What kind of trouble?
Rita: We'll explain on the way. Is there way to get to Hollywood quickly?

Bobby: My mom has a friend who works for the airline. I'll see if I can ask him to charter something for us.

Rita: Well, find a ride for us to get there, and hurry!

Ronnie Anne: Should we tell Clyde?

Bobby: No time! Hello, Mr. Sanchez. This is Bobby Santiago. Maria Santiago's son.

Mr. Sanchez: Hello, Roberto. What a pleasant surprise.

Bobby: Yeah, listen. We need a favor. My girlfriend, Lori's parents came by and need a chartered flight to California. She and her siblings are out there on vacation and their parents just came in a panic.

Mr. Sanchez: Why the hurry and need to get there so fast? Is it an emergency?

Bobby: I don't know. I hope not. But they said Lori might be in trouble and we need something fast. Does you have anything that can get us there quickly? Like an hour or less?

Mr. Sanchez: Actually, I do. I just chartered a private jet express for you. It should get you there in no time.

Bobby: Oh, thanks, Mr. Sanchez. You're the best.

Bobby hung up the phone.

Bobby: He just booked us an express flight with to LAX to arrive there within the hour. We can still get there if we hurry.

Rita: Let's go!

Ronnie Anne: Hey, wait!

(Hollywood Tower Hotel basement)

Lincoln and Lisa looked around in the library and found nothing regarding anything pertaining to the so called fifth dimension. But they decided to look in the basement, while Lucy stayed beind. They came across an old workman's desk in the boiler room filled with papers and on top of it was an old radio and tools, mechanical pieces of clocks and other things, even an old flashlight and old photos to top it all off.

Lisa: Lincoln, if anyone were to have been studying anything, this might be the place. This might be the place.
Lincoln: Looks like a really messy place for someone who studies stuff. Why the basement, though?

Lisa began overlooking some of the notes scattered about regarding the physics of dimensions and how they tie together with each other.

Lisa: If I'm not mistaken, I'm guessing maybe whomever this young man was that was studying science and physics, he must have come close to uncovering something really big but wanted nobody else to no about it. Clearly his potential discovery might be related to other dimensions or parallel universes.
Lincoln: Maybe even the so called 5th Dimension we're
looking for. Lisa, what are the first four dimensions?
Lisa: Dimensions are the mathematical measurements of any space or object used to define a point within it. A temporal dimension is the dimension of time, therefore allowing time to often be considered a fourth dimension. The first three dimensions are the dimensions of space itself. There are other theories that propose there are more than 3 space dimensions. 3 of space and 1 dimension of time. However, these are very speculative still. Yes, We live in a world with four or more dimensions. According to these notes I found buried underneath all this clutter, the fifth dimension is a dimension not only of merely sight and sound, but of mind as well.
Lincoln: A realm of imagination, just like we were discussing before.
Lisa: Yes, but as I also said before everything about a fifth dimension is all just theoretical. We don't have any proof it actually exists.
Lincoln: But we know the ghosts are stuck in between worlds, right.
Lisa: Affirmative. At least to my knowledge. But, again in theory.
Lincoln: Perhaps a portal in between worlds make's it possible for them come and go, but they're mainly bound to the other dimension.

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