boring days strange nights

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Work seems to be taking longer ever since the news came out a couple days ago. Nobody seems to want to even be outside knowing that someone who could kiil them is loose, but I dont really see whats so scary I mean the adverage person walks past a murderer atleast 7 times in their life time.

I watch the clock tick waiting till 8 when I can go home, the bell on the door jimgles notifying me someone has walked in, I look away from the clock to greet whoever just walked in but when I looked nobody was standing their. I waited for another almost 2
10 minutes to see if the person comes out from anywhere, getting annoyed I made my way towards the door to lock it.

I walked into the backroom to grab my stuff but was quickly taken back when none of my stuff was in the room, I quickly looked around the room, as i did i heard the jingle of the bell at the entrance. I rushed to the front to see my stuff sitting next to the entrance door with a sticky note on it.

I picked it up and read the note

I gave you my number babe text me soon

Looking at the note I scoffed and crubled it up tossing it into the trash bin, grabbing my stuff I turned out the lights, locked the doors and made my way out to the car.

I put my car into reverse slowly backing out when I quickly hit the breaks

Behind my car stood a hooded figure, the only thing visible was his mouth. He flashed me a familiar smile before turning and walking off.

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