Tears were streaming down my face at that point. "My ex, we were together for four years before I got out of that relationship. I had just moved away from my mom, started over when I met him. We were in love, everyone wanted a love like ours, then he changed. He started coming home drunk, started trying to do sexual things with me even though he promised to wait. One night, he came home drunker than usual, I told him no when he tried to sleep with me, and he slapped me. I mean, I'm way out of line, I can really be a bitch sometimes.  Every Night it just got worse. I tried so many times to leave him. My mom's friends never went all the way, but he did. He raped me one night. We had been dating for about a year, four months of the year he was abusing me. I finally got out. Genesis helped me. She called the cops. He would lock me in the house all the time. The only times I could try and get help was at night when he was asleep. I called Genesis on his phone because he was passed out." I was full on sobbing at that point. During the stories, I had managed to finish my glass of wine and three beers. I was a little delusional at that point.  

"Can, can I go outside? Get some fresh air real quick." I asked them. "Yeah, sure." Erin responds shooing me outside. Once I was out there I pulled a cigarette and lighter out of my bag. I don't smoke very often, only when I'm stressed. Once I had finished I walked back inside. "Erin, you have to promise not to tell Hank." I say stumbling back to the couch. "Well, everyone already knows." Natalie scratches the back of her head. "Well, I'm kinda recording everything and everyone is watching it because they were all curious as to what happened that made you leave so fast." She says really fast but I still caught what she was saying. I gave her a blank look before standing up and walking back out of the apartment. 

I called a cab after I had gotten about a block from there. I gave them the address and watched out the window as we drove. When we got to my apartment I paid the guy before getting out. Instead of going straight up to the apartment I sat outside and smoked. By the time I decided to go inside I had smoked at least five cigarettes. Looking  at the time I realized it was one in the morning. After getting up stairs I unlocked the door as quiet as I could. When I got to the living room I saw Genesis sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. 

"Hey." My voice was shaky as I greeted her. "Oh thank god you're here. What happened?" She shoots up from her seat. "You've been smoking." She says. I just nod. "Natalie recorded all of it. Everyone knows. I-I don't know what to do." I say crying. She pulls me over to the couch and let's me cry on her shoulder. "You go get some sleep. I'm gonna go shower and get this smell off of me." I tell her once I've calmed down a bit. "Goodnight Genesis." I say getting up once I realize she is already asleep. 

That night I didn't get any sleep. I was too worried about what everyone would think. Reluctantly, I climbed up from the floor of the bathroom that I had sat in all night to get ready for work. The first thing I did was look in the mirror. I looked like a zombie. My makeup from the night before smeared on my face. My eyes all red and puffy. I had dark circles under my eyes. Not sure if they were from the makeup or from lack of sleep I wash my face off. Sure enough the dark circles were still there, just not as prominent. Deciding against makeup today I pull my long hair out of it's ponytail. I think I need a change. It was only 4:00  right now but I could hear Genesis moving around in her room. 

"Genesis, will you help me with my hair?" I ask knocking on her door. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute!" She answers through the door. Walking back to my room I notice Zach curled up in a ball on the floor. I walked over picking him up and putting him in bed. He has gained a little weight but other than that is still too skinny. He wasn't fed properly before. The poor boy has gone through so much, he's still so strong though. 

"You ready?" genesis walks into my room while I'm still looking at Zach. "Yeah." I whisper standing up. "What are we doing to your hair?" She asks walking in the bathroom. I pulled out a box of hair dye that we got a while ago. It was a deep, dark red color. Handing her the box and a pair of scissors she nods. "How short?" I motion to the spot just below my shoulders. She nods again and starts cutting. Once she finishes cutting it she takes the box and mixes all of the things together. Once we were done it was nearly 5:00. "Okay, you can look now." She says turning me around. 

"Thanks." I whisper turning around to hug her. "Of course, what are best friends for?" She asks smiling at me.  "Let's go make breakfast for when Zach wakes up?" She asks causing me to nod. When Zach wakes up he comes into the kitchen. "Tiffany! Your home!" You weren't here last night so I slept on the floor in your room." He says looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "What did you do to your hair?! I like it!"  He exclaims hugging me again. "Thanks bud." I say messing up his hair. "Hey! Watch it!" He exclaims batting my hands away. 

At 7:20 I left the apartment and started walking towards the hospital. I'm walking cause I don't want to get there too early. I don't know what they will think of me and that scares me the most.

I arrived at the hospital at 1:50. Ten minutes until the start of the shift. Walking in with my head down I to avoid people's gazes. "Good morning." A chirpy voice said for In front of me. I picked my head up to see Natalie. "Oh Tiffany! I didn't know that was you." She says pulling me into a hug. "I'm so, so sorry." She says. "Please forgive me?!" I glare at her a little bit before turning and walking the other way. 

"Tiffany." I hear a familiar male voice say. Flinching at his angry tone I turn around and make an awkward face at him. "Hey Hank." I say eyeing the of the two members of the team behind him. My eyes landing on Erin and I glare. "Did you need something?" I ask taking a step back only to run into someone. "Going somewhere?" I hear another male voice ask. "You planned this didn't you? Dangit. I bet Natalie and Erin planned it for you!" I exclaim moving farther away from Connor. 

"Tiffany. I didn't know what she was doing. I didn't know that everyone was watching. Come on. It's okay. None of us are judging you." Erin says walking closer to me. "Why? Why did she do it?" I whisper to her. She pulls me into a hug running her hands through my hair. "I think she wanted to protect you. She thought someone was hurting you now." Erin whispers in my hair. I wrap my arms around her tightly trying to tune out the world around me. "C'mon. Let's get you outta here. We got permission from Mr. Goodwin for you to have the day off." She says pulling back from me. I nod my head at her before turning back towards where Connor and Natalie were standing. I walked over and stood in front of them turning to look at Natalie. "Forgive your enemies. But never forget their name." I say to her before turning to Connor. "I'm sorry." I whisper turning and walking out the door. 

Unexpected (Chicago Med) Under Editingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें