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Dose #7
Hey omg it's been a day. No I'm not slacking I swear. I have been having these god awful migraines and I cried so many times the past two days. I have a migraine typing this. I feel like I'm swaying around and I'm about to fall. Sorry theses have been so short lately (typed two sentence  with my eyes closed). My migraines have just gotten worse. I saw a doctor today and I may need an MRI of my brain. So much of this is typed with my eyes closed cuz my head feels better when my eyes are closed.  I'm more talented than I think. These past few days have been reading, drawing, watching anime and texting. Thank god I did all my homework Friday so I had an easy three day weekend.(thx Martin Luther king Jr). I hope you readers have had a wonderful day. I might just text some friends and watch a video or two and then sleep.
Xoxoxo -much love

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