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Dose #1
I know I'm a little bit late I should've started on the first of January but hey new year, late me as usual. Never punctual. Still not used to it being 2017. It's gonna take a while.
I'm just going to use this entry to introduce myself and maybe talk a little bit about my day. We will see where this goes and where it takes us. So hi my name is Anni yes it doesn't have an e because I took it out. Nice to meet you reader! I am a 17-year-old girl born in 1999. Yup the year of the rabbit! I am grateful that you decided to even click on this to read. To be honest I'm a bore but I promise I'll try to keep it entertaining. Yes you can probably tell from the wordiness I am a talker, singer, and a writer. You know all the fun stuff. Oh sorry I'm already getting off track I was introducing myself before I so rudely interrupted myself. I was born in China and I speak fluently and write kind of well and I can read it. I am currently a high school student I did transfer high schools I am not going to name the high schools. I sometimes have trouble with my moods and have trouble focusing. So mood swings and ADHD.  You get the gist. When I attend college I want to major in pre-health and become a physical therapist yeah yeah typical Asian career choice  don't judge me.
Let's talk about my hobbies. As I've said I like to sing and write. But I also really love to draw. By singing I mean singing covers, and originals, by writing I mean writing stories and poems, by drawing  I mean drawing cartoons and anime characters. But the one thing I love to do the most is to film videos for YouTube. (Channel is ThatGirlAnni just in case your wondering. Yes again no e).
I know this is all over the place but that's how my mind and soul operate. Sorry. That's how I was born. Weird, random and creative.
唐思佳. That is my birth name but no I'll never say it. Don't even try.

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