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Kissing Sherlock was nothing like John could ever have imagined. He always assumed it would be cool and calculated, a power move more than an act of affection. His lips always looked chapped and his tongue articulating too fast to be pleasant.
But he was wrong. Sherlock's kisses were so unlike his usual personality. They were soft and warm and reassuring, like a whisper saying I'm still here. Even his long fingered hands knew exactly where to rest on John's back or shoulders or collarbone and did so with ease and tenderness. John always smiled against the detective's rosy lips when he wound the soft blonde hairs at the nape of his neck through his fingers, and Sherlock would chuckle in his rumbling baritone. He knew where to place light pecks and long, seductive pauses on the doctor's pale skin at just the right moment. John would feel a soft brush against his temple sitting down to his morning coffee or a quick peck on the cheek on his way to the market. Some nights, if he hammered away too long on his blog, he would suddenly feel a warm breath against his neck and then a soft but passionate kiss on the tender skin behind his ear.
But so far, John's favorite kiss was the smiling one placed on his lips after they both said 'I do.'

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