t w e n t y n i n e

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The emotive wells blinked, wide and taken back. It took a few moments before the line of under-eye fat swelled; he chuckled at my answer. His laugh was one of my favourite sounds of all time. It was rich and full of life, like a blooming flower. The sound was ephemeral however it was there. I leant into his chest, feeling the vibrations wash around me. "A little safe? Your life is at stake, darling."


There it was - the pet name. My pet name. It was special to me, the disyllabic sweet name of calling. And, it had been a while since Lucifer had addressed me by it. I felt relaxed by it like we were going to be okay. I missed the name. It was embedded deeply into my identity now - a part of me.

To describe the feeling in words would be difficult. I remember how when Lucifer first assigned the name over to me, I wasn't a fan. I was confused -it was part of his scheme. Only now, I felt the opposite. The name tied me to Lucifer's side. It allowed me to see him in soft light, the sides of him that were sweet but also possessive. Darling belonged to him. And he belonged to darling. It's how the vine of an average pet name had grown to blossom with so much meaning.

It was the Lucifer effect.

Yet like any vine, we had the thorns. Hidden by the soft petals of deception, you wouldn't know they were there until they pricked you, hurt you, crushed you. It made me wonder - would there ever be a time where I would truly know Lucifer?

"I know," I said quietly, feeling my voice fade out. "I just didn't realise that you cared this much. I can't figure you out, Luci."

"Charmeine." My name fell from his lips in such an emotive manner that my eyes snapped up to meet his. "I care about you far too much to be good for my health."

Well, that was unexpected.

"Charmeine!" Aggy interrupted our pocket of emotive time, "are you coming?" she tossed her forefinger over her shoulder, "we're going for a nap. Even I feel tired now."

My last few drops of energy allowed me to jump up, "Yes! I'm exhausted." My arms drop from Lucifer's waist; I move around him.

"Are you going back to the Dome?"

"Yeah." I momentarily close my eyes, feeling the weight of them cease for a few seconds before I strain them open again. "I'm tired."

Lucifer chuckled, his sound radiated warmth around me and I smiled. "When are you not Charmeine?

True. True.

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