Sexy Jackass/ Chapter 1

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Cover By kitkatz_rowland

Not Edited

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.

Ashley's P.O.V.
"I know mom, I am always nice," I say back to my mom while I am packing for college. She glares at my then says, "Whatever be ready we are leaving in ten to see grandma Jenna." All my clothes, makeup, hair stuff, and bed stuff. "Okay, I'm ready coming down now," I yell to my mom.

In the car Becca's and my song come and I start screaming/singing it. Becca is my BEST FRIEND but is not going to OSU.

When I get to grandma Jenna's she hugs me tight and says "I am going to miss you so much Ash Ash." Grandma Jenna and me are really close but only she can call me Ash Ash. She gives me a note and tells me to open it at my dorm. "I will Grandma Jenna," I tell her. "Grandma, I will miss you more," I tell her.

Tear falls

Then another

Now they are streaming down my face.

I can't do this.

"I don't want to go to college yet grandma," I tell her and she pulls me into a hug. "Ash Ash please go I know how much you want to be a vet and you are good with animals, jjust please good," Jenna tells me.


When I get out to the car mom is crying. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO TO COLLEGE," she might have yelled a bit but I hug her and say, " Well I am."

The Three words that broke her heart.

Three Words

The Three words that changed my life .

I get out of the car and say bye to Mom and stare up at the big college right in front of me.

I go to the secretary and ask for my room number.

206 the 2nd floor

The room that changed me as a person. That one room.

201... 202... 203... 204... 205... there it is 206.

I pick the bed on the right and sit down all my stuff on the floor next to it. Then I play on my phone till I hear the door open.

"What The Fuckin God are you doing in here," I say to a guy the came in the room.

"This is 206 right," he said. he is cute dark brown hair. Then green eyes that could easily see right through your soul. damnit I think I'm drolling. I wiped my mouth and he laughed.

"I have to roommate with a jackass I see," I say

"But I am a sexy jackass," he said with this adorable smirk on his face.


Hey Loves
Bad first chapter yes I KNOW the CRINGE is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next SHOULD be better she is moving in to her dorm!!!!!!!!!
Bye Hugs and Kisses

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