Chapter one

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Sam's P.O.V
I woke up to Miss.Lillian yelling at everybody to get up I quickly pulled the little bit of cloth off my body and made my bed as everyone was rushing around I heard miss.Lillian say something about a guy coming to adopt a girl 5-12. I quickly ran over to line up with the rest of the girls to wait and the guy can look at us all as I walked over the meanie Melanie pushed me to the ground I landed with a thud and started crying nobody looked at me though except meanie Melanie "Your never going to get adopted go sit over there" she pointed to window seat I stood up slowly my lip quivering.

I walked to the window seat and miss.Lillian came over to me and said "You stay over here he's not going to want to adopt YOU!" I looked out the window as all the other girls lined up and the guy walked in I got a few glances at him he had toxic green hair and pretty blue eyes.

I watched as he looked at all the girls then looked at me I looked at him for a second then I looked away another tear rolled down my cheek I just wanted to get adopted into a nice home. Behind me I hear the man's voice I can tell he has an accent with his weird voice but I listened to what he said to Miss.Lillian "I want her" I turned around and he was pointing at me Miss.Lillian had hate in her eyes as she looked at me then said in her fakey calm voice which sounded very rushed "she's already adopted by......Me!" she almost yelled as if she just thought of that.

The guy left after that he didn't adopt anyone he didn't seem mad at all either I looked at Miss.Lillian "your adopting me?" she nodded but was still glaring

*time-skip because nobody says I can't*

Miss.Lillian took me home to her house and then she just left me her older son was home he was about eighteen and he was drunk he had a few other friends over to but they weren't as badly drunk. He started slowly walking towards me then he hit me and threw me against that wall I started crying my arm was hurting but I don't think it was broken I acted asleep as he kicked me one time then he left I quickly stood up and ran out the door to a nearby park.

I sat on a picnic table and though about my dad how he used to hit me tears came to my eyes again. I ended up falling asleep at the picnic table because when I woke up it was morning. I stood up and started walking slowly trying to not be seen all of the sudden a dog jumped on top of me sending me to the ground it started licking my face as I giggled then I think the dogs owner came wait it was the green haired guy he looked at me as if he was remembering me I hope he remembered me. He ran up breathless as he said "Hey sorry about my dog... aren't you the little girl from the orphanage?"

I nodded slowly and smiled at the dog then hair said something and I looked at him"I though you got adopted what are you doing here alone?" I looked at his blue eyes they were like mine "I'm not adopted I never was she lies so I could have a terrible life"  "Your a smart kid to know that" before my dad went insane he used to tell me I was smart probably smarter then him but I didn't think that was true. The only reason I knew I wasn't adopted by Miss.Lillian was because she didn't fill out any papers and she hates me. hair grabbed my hand and he took me to the orphanage? We went inside and there was miss Lillian she looked surprised when we walked in she tried to say something but just ended up mumbling I looked at Mr.Green hair as He looked back at me "I want to adopt this girl" he smiled at me and I returned the smile miss Lillian did not look happy. But she manged to squeeze out a "Okay"
I started jumping up and down but miss.Lillian glared at me and I stopped. hair signed the papers and took me to his home I didn't need to pack anything up or say goodbye because nobody liked me and I had nothing to take so we went straight to his house. His house was huge he took my bags from my hands then he showed me to my room it was a pretty light blue color with green hearts on the wall it was amazing.I smiled at him an joyfully said "Thanks for adopting me" He smiled back and nodded then put my bags down and left to make dinner.

*Smol time-skip*

Mr.Green hair ended up making something called mac n cheese it was great and also my first time having mac n cheese we normally only had bread at the orphanage. I looked up at hair he was scrolling through his phone casually but then his smile turned into a frown I stood up and walked next to him and looked at his phone I didn't know how to read but he was looking at something and it had a lot of emoji's that were mean ( A/N It was hate on his video) he gave me a sad smile then  took care of the plates we used for dinner "Sam go get ready for bed" he yelled from the kitchen I went upstairs and laid down in bed a few minutes later Jack came in and whispered goodnight to me and kissed my cheek before going back downstairs and then I was alone in a dark room with a random person who adopted me...... 


So here is this first chapter of this hope you liked it sorry that not a lot of books are getting published we have school and stuff so its hard but yeah here you go!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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