2: The Airport

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You woke up the next day to a text from Phil and a text from Dan. You opened Dan's first.

Good morning. :) wow I can actually send morning texts no matter how late I get up because time zones lol anyways hi :P

You smiled. He's adorable. Next you checked the text from Phil.

Hey it's Phil! Dan gave me you're number. I love your videos!!! And for the record, Dan cannot stop talking about you. He's stalking you even more now that you're dating. (be careful, he's crazy, I live with him.) Sooo yeah, can't wait to see you tomorrow, we're finishing up our packing now! Except for Dan, he's procrastinating and playing the Sims still.

You responded to Phil's text first so you wouldn't seem needy to Dan. You wanted to be careful with this boy.

Hey Phil! Haha Dan talks about me? And yeah I'll pick you guys up at the airport. Where are you staying?

Phil responded.

We don't have a hotel picked out yet. We want to know what's kind of cheap and we don't want fans finding us and whatnot.

Now was your chance.

Well, I have a guest room and a couch in my apartment, if you guys don't wanna pay at all. xD Also you guys will be practically invisible at my place, as you can tell by my sub count. :P

You got another quick response.

Wow, you'd really do that for us? We don't want to be a burden, we know house guests aren't easy.

You texted him again.

Of course I would! It's no trouble, honestly.

You smiled at the next text.

Dan says he'd like that, so I guess we're roomies for a week! xD

You patted yourself on the back. Now you realized it was Friday and you had to make a video. The next one you were making was one of your #Ask[Y/T/N]'s. You filmed yourself answering a bunch of questions. One of them was to do your best British accent. A smile crept up on your face and you immediately thought of Dan, so you spoke a few sentences from "Hello internet," mocking him, and then sang, "Reasons why Dan's a fail!" Once you had your questions and answers all together, you edited the video and added a bunch of notes and stuff, then posted it at 1:00 PM. A couple minutes later, you got a text from Dan.

That's the worst bloody accent I've ever heard, for the record. xD And thanks for making me almost cry!!

You laughed.

Oh shut up you native brat!! xD and awwww I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. ;)

You hung out and cleaned up around the apartment to get it ready for the guys.


The next day came soon enough. You got a text about 10:30 AM from Dan saying he was boarding the plane. You eagerly awaited his arrival. About an hour before he was supposed to land, you got to the airport. You made your way to the terminal where the two of them were supposed to be. You saw a couple fangirls who were obviously there to see Dan and Phil. They had their faces on tee shirts. One of them recognized you! This rarely happens to you. They both walked up to you. "Hey [Y/T/N]! Are you here to see Dan and Phil?" the girl who recognized you said. "Yup. They're friends of mine," you smiled. They freaked out for a second. "You two can wait with me, they're coming out this entry," you offered. "Can we get pictures?!" the other girl asked. "Of course!" you replied, posing for a couple selfies. "What are your names?" you asked, taking out your phone. You wanted to give them shoutouts in your next video. It'll make you look good. They gave you their names. Then you saw the door open. You saw a few people exit before you saw them. Dan and Phil, lugging their carry ons. Dan looked up and saw you. Your eyes locked and he smiled. You met him halfway and hugged him. The two girls got pictures. You then hugged Phil. The girls took pictures with the two boys and then left out of courtesy. They were nice. Phil got a phone call from his mom. He went to a secluded area to take the call. That left you and Dan for a few seconds. You just looked at him. "Hi," you smiled. "Hey," he smiled back. You hugged him again. He picked you up and spun you around. "You're so adorable," he said. "You are too," you responded. You giggled as he played with your hair. Phil walked back to you two and smiled. "Of course you're already starting to third wheel me," Phil said, jokingly. "Aw, no! Phil!" Dan joked hugging Phil. "What about Dil, our child?" Dan jokingly cried. You laughed at their cute little bit. You then went to baggage claim. They had a lot of bags, for their equipment and stuff. You helped them with the bags, even though Dan insisted you shouldn't have. They got in your car and you drove them over to your place to drop off their stuff first. Once their stuff was in your apartment, you asked them if they were tired or not. If they were tired, you'd just order in some pizza. Amazing, New York pizza. They were pretty tired and jet-lagged. You let them sit on your couch as you ordered some pizza. Once it was ordered you sat down next to Dan. "So how are you guys?" you asked. "We're good," Phil said. "How about you?" Dan said. "I'm pretty good," you smiled. You turned on the television. "Miss Congeniality" was on. "I love this movie!" you said as Dan gave you a look. You know he hates spoilers. You laughed. "Don't worry, I saw your spoilers rant," you assured him. He smiled and put his arm around you as you watched the movie. The pizza came in 20 minutes. The boys, both extremely tired, bit into their slices of pizza and immediately woke up. "Wow!" Dan said with his mouth full. "Yeah, New York pizza," you smiled. You know that New York pizza is the best. They boys both had seconds. You watched movies with them until it was late. You made sure to keep them awake to help get rid of the jet lag. It got late and you remembered you had to decide where each of the guys were going to sleep. Dan offered to take the couch, which left Phil in the guest bedroom. You let them change and get to sleep first before you showered. You got out of the shower and slipped on a robe. You didn't close it because the boys were sleeping anyway. You towel dried your hair and brushed it out a bit. You opened the bathroom door and jumped when you saw Dan look over at you. He was sitting up on the couch. You quickly closed your robe. "Sorry, thought you were sleeping," you apologized, your cheeks going red. You were embarrassed that he saw you pretty much naked. "No, it's okay, I mean—er—I'm sorry," Dan said avoiding eye contact, trying not to smile. You rolled your eyes. "Of course you liked that, you perv," you fixed yourself a small glass of red wine. It helps you fall asleep when you're excited. "Would you like some? It helps me sleep," you offered to Dan. "Okay," he nodded. You poured him a glass too and sat back down on the couch next to him. "To YouTube," you smiled, lifting your glass. You both clinked your wine glasses and took a long sip. You talked quietly and laughed at how romantic it was, sipping red wine late at night. You felt yourself loosen up a bit once you had almost finished your glass. "You know, you looked pretty good over there," Dan said, motioning to the bathroom. The small buzz from the wine gave him a confidence boost. "Did I?" you asked embarrassed. "You did," he reassured you, taking a last swig, finishing his glass. You finished as well and set the glasses in the sink. You turned around and gave Dan a long hug. You pulled away and then your faces drew close as you draped your arms over his shoulders. You smiled. He kissed you on the cheek. "Goodnight, love," he said before returning to the couch. You went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

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