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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Rain pelted the dark city of Seoul. The moon was hidden behind stormy clouds that poured down onto the city, leaving nothing dry. The streets were deserted except for a single man that walked silently through the storm. His back was hunched as the rain relentlessly pounded against his frail form. Thin clothing clung to him and was no protection from the biting cold. There was no sound except for the splashing of the stranger's worn sneakers through deep puddles. Buildings towered over the quivering man like centennials, watching his every move. Street lights' gaze beat down on the stranger's back nearly as hard as the rain. The surrounding buildings were all almost completely dark with only a few lights coming from the windows of night owls.

Hunger churned and turned within his stomach. Skin nearly as thin as the clothing he wore clung to his bones. Dull eyes stared into nothing, searching for something only the man knew of.

The quiet hum of a car sliced through the silence like a knife. It slowly grew louder before zooming past the rain soaked man. A tidal wave of muddy water crashed onto the poor man causing him to halt in his steps.

Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes as he stood there under the rain and lights, alone. Everything had been taken from him; his belongings, his money, his home, his future, everything. There was nothing left to do but cry. 'Or better yet,' the man thought as his legs finally gave out from under him and his knees slapped onto the wet concrete, 'I should probably just die.' Dark, broken eyes gazed up into the vast grey sky in hopes of see one last spark of hope, that some how he'd be saved. But the universe ignored him. The silence remain like a blanket of dread and heartbreak. The universe turned it's back and left him to rot in the rain. Just like his mother, and just like his brother. Tears mixed with rain as the stranger waited for the world to go black forever.

An almost blinding light suddenly illuminated the dark street as the creaking of a door opening accompanied it. The man flinched and averted his eyes from the scorching light. Once his eyes had adjusted, the stranger turned to see a silhouette of a man standing in an open door way. A quiet whimper escaped him as a melodic voice drifted past his ears, "Oh my god." Suddenly, the feeling of warmth wrapped itself around the shivering man's shoulders. Warm hands burned into the man's freezing paper thin skin as he was lifted to his feet.

"I've got you," the angelic voice of death whispered into his ear, seducing the man into the world between this one and another. The starving man's brain couldn't keep up with his body as he faded in and out of consciousness. The man finally accepted the warm arms of death and let himself be lifted from the ground. The dark world blurred past the barely conscious man's eyes before everything faded into a bright white, and then black. The sound of death lulling him to sleep,

"Everything will be ok now. I've got you."

Paris Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ