Chpt 29 (Nothing like family)

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It's been six months since Savion and Curtis were born and the house has two baby's Curtis hardly cried he just loved to watch and crawl and observe stuff but Savion was a cry ass baby and I think it was a bad influence on Curtis he couldn't take a nap in peace which caused him to cry and as for the room the boys were working on it

Me: Apollo you know damn well that don't go that way they were doing Savion and Curtis cribs it was late November Christmas could be here any day now these niggas better hurry tf up before I cut somebody

Roman: I'm hungry he said bouncing Savion in his arms Savion loved comfort and sleeping and attention like his damn dad Selena was going to school still and being a mom at the same time the boys knew about Liyha and Hazel pregnancy and were really surprised but brushed it off helping them to appointments and stuff

Caspar: Earth to Roya your son crying I rolled my eyes picking up Curtis and he stopped crying I gave him his bottle and rubbed his back

Apollo: well the beds are done so we're going to go handle business he kissed Hazel belly and Caspar kissed Savion on just watched him with not a care in the world

Hazel: Gimme she said taking Curtis who looked at her I could tell she was having a boy

Aliyah: Imma go check the curry yes we was making curry and rice with mash potato and an apple crumble


The boys laughed as we told them about the baby room story and how we got the crib wrong they would be back before Christmas and that's all I wanted to know I mean a household with two new borns and pregnant girls was mental Liyha was seven months and hazel was five or six

Sanjay: how liyah doing?

Me: she always eating man that's all they want is food and when they get it they leave us alone he started laughing and I smiled looking at him

Apollo: why you smiling for

Me: wait till they walk in on Christmas day and the girls faces yo I'm videoing the whole damn thing for world star the boys mugged me and Apollo but I was dead ass serious this was gonna be the best Christmas ever

Rheem: how Curtis doing Rheem had come to learn with the idea he was a father I was happy for him

Me: he a cool baby he hardly ever cried always smiling and joyful Rheem just nodded and Tristan looked at him

Rheem" I'm glad Roya looking after him

Me: yeah that's the mother of the year Roya was happy playing the mommy role so I let her do her thang

Tristan: alright we'll see y'all Monday I nodded as the chat ended Monday was the first of December I couldn't wait for Christmas the tree was already set up and there was a lot of presents under it I knew half that shit had to be mine

Roya: APOLLO AND CASPAR IT'S DINNER TIME I locked the computer away running upstairs going to the table I sat down and the girls brought our food out we said grace and started eating



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