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It was a Saturday morning at the bus stop when Camryn was running and almost having to chase the bus.She got there just in time,she climbed onto the bus and greeted Mr Lee, the regular bus driver. She was never the type to be late at work nor school. She valued punctuality because that's what made her life. School in the morning, work afterwards then schoolwork before a short sleep.

She took out her earphones and plugged them in her phone and selected D'Angelo for the ride. She hummed the song How does it feel until she saw Coffee It Up appear , she stood up and waited for the bus to stop. Mr Lee waved to her and she return it with a smile.

She walked in the coffee shop she has been working at for the past three years since her dad got deployed in the military. The bell signaled her arrival and Mrs Mary looked up and saw her favourite employee and beamed at her arrival. She went to her and gave the person that's been acting as a mother figure since hers disappeared after her father got deployed. It was an unpleasant life she lived but all she could do is live it up.

Making sure the furniture, floors and every other thing was clean was her daily duty on a Saturday. Once in a while she would learn from the barista about coffee and it's broad flavours and designs.

As she was preparing the breakfast orders from a young couple with matching onesies, in came a group of guys causing commotion. She had to finish the order in order to see who they are. She put the pancakes topped with whipped cream and strawberries with Bacon on the side on two plates along with two glasses of orange juice, everything was on a tray when she walked out of the kitchen to give the couple their breakfast and take the squad's order but all they wanted was coffee.

Hangover! She thought.

She told Sammy, the barista to prepare four strong pumpkin spiced coffee whilst she went back to take another order. Sammy called her to come and give the guys their coffee. Camryn brought along their bill with their steamy coffee. The guy who looked to be the oldest put a 100 Rands note on the table before leaving with the rest.

R25 tip! Yay

The rest of the day had been tiring for Camryn until she felt lightheaded and went to sit down for a good minute. Mrs Mary saw her and brought salt for her to take. She was then given an off until Tuesday.

She took off the apron and put on her hoodie and decided to walk home since the bus will only pass here in an hour .

As she passed by the shops ,she came to a halt when she heard screaming in one of the passages. She was never the one to budge but she couldn't help but to see what's going on, it was the older guy from the coffee shop earlier today, strangling an innocent looking boy who could pass out anytime.

"Fuck Bitch! Whatchu looking at? ", the older guy asked.

"Nothing ", she said back nervously.

She looked in the eyes of the victim, shook her head helplessly and ran as fast as she could to her home.

Hi, welcome to These Tears.
I would like to thank you for choosing this book to read.

Next chapter will be in Camryn's POV! And it'll be longer

Instagram & Twitter : r_cocolatte
Snapchat: reankiiexoxo 

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