creepypasta 2

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(I don't know what else to put in the title)

You woke up one day and decided to prank the creepypastas by instead of you talking you use wing dings with your hands to reply you were gonna tell Jane and Sally about this
"this gonna be awesome! what are you going to do?" Jane asked "I'm going to use sign language instead of talking to them!" You said laughing "ok, (Y/n)!" Sally said trying to stop laughing because the whole and I mean the WHOLE creepypastas was in the kitchen waiting for breakfeast "Ok Sally, you remember what to do right?" You asked "yeah I remember!" Sally said covering her mouth trying not to laugh "okay, 1, 2, 3!" You count as Sally picked you up and carried you to the kitchen "GUYS, GUYS!" Sally screamed EVERYONE looked at Sally "what is it, dearie?" Splendorman asked "there's something wrong with (Y/n)!" Sally said EVERYONE looked at you, you were kind of embarrassed but it'll get funny soon enough "she looks okay to me, my child" slendy said, you look bluntly at everyone you then started using wing dings with your hands signing 'you guys are fucking stupid' hopefully no one understand "what?" Masky asked as you sign it again 'I said you guys are fucking stupid' Sally is starting to laugh "I'm sorry but I don't understand sign language" Jeff said as you started to laugh "HAHAHAHA!" Jane started to laugh really loud "what the heck is happening?" Ben asked "you should've seen your face, it was so priceless!" You said continued to laugh you three are all laughing non-stop "my child?" Slendy asked
"Y-yes, slendy?" You said trying to stop laughing "were you using wing dings?" He asked, you immediately stop laughing you looked at him as everyone was looking at you "how did you know?" You asked in a serious tone "it doesn't matter" he said "what ever you say" you said shrugging and continued laughing


You were in the living room watching tv with everyone then your phone started ringing yup, the awkwardness your ringtone was megalovania music box everyone looked at you, you awkwardly laughed as you picked up your phone "Hello?" "Hello, child" you gasped "GASTER!?" you screamed everyone looked at you /again/ you cover your phone with your hand "sorry..." you said as you stand up walking to your room to give some privacy
"HELLO, HUMAN!" "heya~" "hey punk!" "H-hey (Y/n)!" "Hello, dearie~!" "Guys! It's so nice to hear your voice again!"

Minutes of talking through the phone later

"Bye!" "Oh wait! Before you guys hang up, can I talk to Gaster for a moment?" "Uh, ok, sure? Hey Gaster! She wants to talk to you!" "Hello?" "Yes, child?" "Oh, uh, Gaster? You're the only one who knows wing dings, right?" "Correct" "you teach ONLY me or you had teach anyone else to do that?" "Well no Sans and you are the only one I had teach so far" "uh, okay, well, do you have any FRIENDS that knows wing dings?" "Uuh, yes?" You looked at slenderman trough your bedroom window "child, is there something wrong?" "Oh, no, no I'm okay" "are you sure?" "Yeah, yeah" "well if you say so, bye" "bye" "oh, wait Sans, Papyrus, Asriel and Chara wants to talk to you" "BYE, HUMAN!!" "bye, kid" "bye, Sans, bye, Papyrus" "(Y/n)!" "Chara, Asriel! I miss you guys so much!" "We miss you too!" "(Y/n)…" "uh yes?" "Are you still wearing the necklace like you promise?" "Chara! Of course, I'm still wearing it! I would literally kill myself if I broke the promise and to be honest this necklace fells comfy"  "mine doesn't" "You're good at keeping promises!" "Thanks, Asriel come to think of it I've never broke any promises in my whole life" "wow, guess who hates making promises but make it anyways?" You giggled "Sans" "you guessed it!" "Okay bye!" "Bye!" You sat on your bed and started flipping all the pages in your 'memories' book (that's what you called it) you looked at that one picture you, Chara and Asriel taking a selfie, you sighed you walked out of your room and sat on the couch everyone looked at you "what now?" You asked getting annoyed that everyone always looked at you like you're a monster (even though they're the real monsters 😒) "you've been in your room in awhile now, are you okay?" Liu asked "pssh, yeah I'm okay, just talking to some friends" you said not making eye contact with anyone but just the tv "did you tell them where you are now?" Jeff asked "they didn't ask" you said "if you say so" they said as they continued watching the tv

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