Chapter Three: I Just Can't Let Go

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As I stepped onto the bus my breathing got quicker and tears started welling up in my eyes. How could he leave me.. for a girl? A girl! He said he loved me!

I held on to the couch to hold me up as my chest tightened and I tried to hold back my tears as best I could. The door behind me opened and I started gasping for air, begging my tears to say back. "Shh, hey, hey." I turned around to see Jake and shook my head before falling into his chest. "Shh." "I m-m-miss him so much!" "I know you do Andy, I know you do. But Andy, he left you, you need to move on." "I can't!" The tears finally started to fall and I trembled as my knees buckled in. Jake fell with me to the ground and just rubbed my back as I wept. "I'm s-s-orry Jake, I tried to stay c-alm, but I c-can't!" "Its alright Andy, lets go lay down okay?" I nodded and felt as he started to lift me up to my feet. I followed him as he led me to the back of the bus and tried to quiet down as the door opened again.


I woke up to the bus moving and sighed before hearing a heavy accent flood through the walls. "Yeah mate, I'm sorry again. They always forget me somehow, this is our third time!" I heard laughing before wiping my face and shakily getting to my feet. As I pulled back my curtain I followed the noises to the front of the bus to see Danny. CC saw me first and jumped up, grabbing a water from the counter. "Hey Andy, how are you feeling?" I nodded and grabbed the bottle he handed me before sitting on the couch. "Oh, ello mate." He smiled at me and I shakily raised a hand, motioning a small hello. "We never got to finish speaking you know." He sat by me and I looked away as the guys silently started talking to themselves. "Lets start over then, I'm Danny." He held out a hand and I laughed a little before shaking it. "I'm Andy.." "Andy, what a nice name. I sing for Asking Alexandria and am looking forward to play with you this tour." "Me too.." He let go before giving me a weird glance. "I think I like you Andy, can I have your phone?" I looked around to see Jinxx hand me the device and gave it to him before he handed me his. As I typed it in he laughed. "Someone is obsessed with batman." I smiled a small smile before nodding. "I uh, guess I never grew out of it." "Andy.. Who is this?" He showed me my background and I froze before snatching it back. "No one.. I uh, just no one." "Andy? You can tell me whats going on if you need to, alright?" "Yeah.." "Cool." I sighed before looking at the picture and holding it close to my chest.

Me and Danny talked for a while before the bus ended up stopping. "Thanks for the ride guys!" "Welcome Danny!" Everyone said bye before shutting the door and looking at me. I got nervous before biting my lip ring. Jinxx crossed his arms and sighed, following with a held out a hand. "Jinxx please.." "Now Andy. This isn't helping anyone." I shook my head and looked down, silently begging. "Please let me keep it.." "No." I sniffled before handing him my phone and watching him sigh. "How many are you deleting?" I asked quietly. "I'll let you choose one--" "My background." He nodded before deleting my pictures and leaving the last before handing it back. I sighed before putting it on the table and scooting closer to Jake who was sitting next to me now. He put his arms around me before sighing and whispering in my ear. "Its for the best Andy." "I know.."

I sat with them for a while before sighing and heading back to bed. "Andy? Where you going?" "Bed, I'm tired.." "We have our first show tonight, you should start getting ready." "It doesn't take me three hours to get ready Jake.." "I know Andy, listen.. come here." I sighed before walking over and sitting by his side. He pulled me back so my head was in his lap and my body was sprawled out across the couch. "Sleep here, we have to pick up Jace anyway." "Why isn't he here now? To meet the guys?" "Because he lives closer to the venue we play at." "Oh. Okay." his hand wandered up and down my back and I sighed before closing my eyes. "I'm so tired.." "Take a nap Andy, I'll wake you up later." I nodded before closing my eyes and quickly drifting off.

Chapter Three(Four) idk. Hope you guys are enjoying it! Things will heat up soon, I promise. Expect a lot of quick updates for this story, not week longs waits like most writers (coughmecough) Thanks for reading!

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