A/N: Read though

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(A/N: Since I haven't got the chapter together yet, I made a little one shot. Doesn't go along with the story line, but enjoy.)

"I love you so much." You smiled, kneeling before him. "I wish you were here right now." Your smile was covered by a flood of streaming hot tears. It's been three months since he passed away and the thought breaks you more and more each day.


It was a bright and sunny afternoon. The sun shined throughout the town, giving the town a happy feeling to it. Ethan was planning on taking you to the movies, so you hopped in his car and he drove off. Going onto the highway, you grabbed his hand. He looks over at you for a second, looking back and slamming the breaks violently. A car collided with the driver's side door and spun the car; the car flipped on it's back in a ditch on the side of the highway. Your ears rang while your body was thrashed around inside the metal vehicle.

Awakening from unconsciousness, you look around. The windshield was missing and the car was dented inside. You scanned yourself to see multiple bruises and open gashes on your skin. You pushed the deployed airbag out of your face, checking on Ethan. His side of the car was dented in with no way of opening the door. You quickly removed the airbag away from Ethan, noticing an immense amount of blood. His head was busted open with his neck bruised and his ribs crushed. His skin was cold and pale, minus the multiple bruises and blood stained on him. His neck was flimsy; his head laid to the side of the car window. You decided to call 911 and attempt to wake up Ethan. You shook his lifeless body, crying and screaming.

"No, no no no! Ethan!" You shouted, thinking that somehow he would hear you and open his eyes. You moved his head to the other side, watching blood ooze from his purple chapped lips. His hair had blood stains and some mixed with the blue hair dye; his hair though, was still soft as before. You placed your ear on his chest, not hearing or feeling anything. As the ambulance arrived, you struggled to kick out your window to escape since the door was too damaged to open. You had no way to get Ethan out. The paramedics and a team of officers cut out the caved in door, removing Ethan from the car. Your legs and knees were weak, so walking was difficult. A paramedic carried you onto the stretcher, pushing it onto the back of the ambulance truck. Two doctors assisted you by putting an IV into your arm and pumping painkillers into your body.

"Ethan, where's Ethan!" You shouted, wanting to move to find him but you were strapped down. Your mind became fuzzy and dizzy.

"What's your name, ma'am?" You heard a faint voice call. Your eyes began to droop and your body felt numb.

"Y-Y/n L/n. I-I need to find Ethan." Was the last thing you said before you were knocked out.

You woke up to the sounds of a heart monitor; you opened your eyes slowly, noticing your parents over you. They were crying, but with tears of joy to see you were okay.

"Ms. L/n, it seems that you have a few broken ribs and a fractured ankle. You're okay and ready to leave in a few hours." The doctor patiently smiled, but you didn't care about yourself.

"Ethan, is Ethan okay?" You panicked, remembering the state he was in. The doctor's smile faded into a small frown.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but he didn't make it. He had what we call, diffuse axonal. It's when nerve tissue in the brain is torn and can result in brain damage, comas, and even death. The impact of the collision shattered some bones in his brain, piercing into the brain and causing it to internally bleed as well. I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor left the room, leaving you in silence with your parents. You couldn't find the feeling to cry, but you were more hurt that Ethan didn't make it then the physical damage done to your body.

*end of flashback*

Ironically, it was cloudy and wet outside. It just got done raining and now fog appeared from the streets from cars passing by. His grave was cold and damp from the rain; his gravestone was marble with his name, birth and death date, and a quote.

"Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspirational."

You wiped the raindrops off the gravestone, putting a small rose in the vase next to the tombstone. Your knees were muddy from kneeling in the mud in front of the grave. Everyday you came to the grave to talk to him, keep him updated with his favorite things. You knew he couldn't respond or maybe even hear you, but it helped you cope.

"So today Mark uploaded a new video of your favorite game. He sure does miss you." You laughed through your crying, wiping your tears away while you kept talking.

"And G made a tribute to you on his channel. All your Cranky Crew made tribute edits and Mark's gonna post them for your last video. Isn't that sweet?" You looked at the carving of Ethan's smile in the middle of his tombstone; it's like you could hear his laugh and feel his smile again. You could imagine his response and could imagine his actions and speech.

"And Brian told me to tell you he says hi." You sighed, looking up as some more rain drops hit your face, sliding off along with your tears.

"Tyler and Amy moved your work space into Mark's. He's saving the setup and everything. He told us that he's not gonna let anyone touch or use it either." You sat down, not minding that your pants would be covered in mud; you were already dirty. You pulled out your phone, watching new YouTube videos from Ethan's friends alongside his grave. It made you feel like he was watching with you.

After a few hours, you decided to leave. You close your eyes, embracing what few raindrops drizzled down on your face. You turn to leave, but before exiting you take out of your jacket pocket a beanie that was Ethan's that he gave you. You put it on, walking away from his grave.

Walking away, it began to rain harder and you looked back after walking out of the cemetery. You put more focus towards the grave and you imagined him sitting next to the grave and waving you goodbye.

"I'll come back tomorrow Ethan. Same time?" You shouted, even though he wouldn't respond back. You just took the silence as a yes and walked back home. 

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