"I think I cheated."

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  • Dedicat lui Happy 18th Justin!

chapter 8

hola readers! So I think this story is going somewhere now? Yes no? I know you're probably hating the lack of Justin but of course he'll return! And well if you haven't already vote and vote for past things because it seriously motivates me! And I know it seems like I don't update but I'm writing 3 stories at the same time so I do update quite often just spread! Anywho, have fun?

Chapter 8

Sometimes I think loneliness is a disease. You catch it and everyone leaves and you have to spend time alone in bed to sort it out, to think through what you did to cause it. Then eventually things go back to normal, people revisit and you meet someone new, one by one. And soon enough it happens again and I can feel it mid-course returning right now.

* 2 weeks later *

"Hello baby!" Justin laughed down the phone.

"Sorry hun, I can't talk, we're at the fitting for my bridesmaids dress." I said apologetically down the phone. I did feel bad, not for being busy but because I still hadn't told him about Chaz, how could I? Justin's due home in 5 days and being busy won't cut it in person.

"I'll be quick! Just wanted to tell you that you'll see me soon." Justin laughed.

"What?" I said panicing.

"See you tonight baby." he laughed and then hung up. I began to panic at the thought of seeing him, I missed him insanely but the guilt was over flowing.

"Come on Cass. Try this one on!" Maria laughed as she handed me a dress. We'd got quite close in the past couple of weeks but we didn't have to be close for her to tell something was up.

"What's up Hun?" she said as I grabbed the dress and walked towards the dressing room.

"Justin's coming home." I said without even looking at her. She'd previsioudly asked me about Justin coming home and I'd told her I was worried that he'd hate that I'd lost so much weight, it was a true worry, I was a small 8 stone and my clothes were a lot looser than before. And before you think it's all because of Justin it's not, I haven't been well since he left, lost my appetite and being sick. Maria said it was the 'lovebug'. More like 'guiltbug'.

"You look fine honey, infact we'll get a macdonalds for dinner." She laughed and I smiled in return and went to try on the dress.

"You can't be full already." Maria grimaced as I pushed my half eaten burger and barely touched chips away from me, I was so nervous.

"Just excited." I said forcing a smile.

"you don't look it." Maria said looking at me suspiciously. "what's going on Cass?" she said taking my hand. I sighed knowing I should tell someone.

"I think I cheated." I sighed as I pulled my hand away and waited for her to be disgusted.

"Oh." Maria said tilting her head and taking my hand back.

"I don't know whether to... tell him or not." I sighed.

"You can't keep going with this boy if you're lying to him, eventually the lies will build up and he'll find out and it'll be 10 times worse." She said as she rubbed my hand supportively.

"But what if he-" I began to say but my phone buzzed.

"Hello?" I said into my phone confused at the unknown number.

"Are you busy?" It was Justin.

"erm, not really." I said bitting my lip and signalling to Maria that it was Justin.

"Good, come to the airport now, I've missed you." He laughed, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'll text you when I'm close." I said and hung up.

"what'd he say?" Maria asked looking confused.

"Can you drop me off at the airport, it'll take too long to go get my car and-" I began mumbling.

"He's here?" She said interrupting me.

"Just remember to do what's best, it might feel wrong or scary but it's what's right." Maria said as she pulled up at the drop off spot at the airport.

"thanks, for everything." I said to Maria as I climbed out the car breathing deeply.

I stepped into the airport panicking insanely. Should I tell him? And when? I can't exactly have it as my opening line can?

"Baby!" Justin shouted over to me. He'd pushed away from his security and people were staring but his smile was enchanting.

"J." I said simply. He looked different, the weeks apart had changed us both, not just our appearance.

"I've missed you." He said as he pulled me in close and sighed. I just wanted to cry. And before I could stop it, I was.

"Aw honey, it's all okay." He said looking worried. But I couldn't respond. I just nodded and clung to him taking in his scent and suddenly the curves of his chest, the shape of his collar bone just felt safe.

"How long are you here?" I managed to choke, I needed to know. To plan, to prepare and most of all know when the sick feeling of guilt would end.

"3 days, sorry honey." He sighed as he stroked my hair and held me close as his security gathered his luggage and passengers stared curiously. They were all looking, thinking, knowing. Knowing I didn't deserve him.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Mar 01, 2012 ⏰

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