cupcakes and macarons

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isabella maine

to say that isabella maine was nervous to meet theo jones was an understatement of the century. she fiddled with her phone in her hands, pacing back and forth in the empty park, waiting for theo to show up.

oh no. what if he didn't? what if this was all a set-up?

she shook these thoughts out of her head and continued to pace and checked her phone, just out of habit. her pacing and thinking was stopped when she heard the most beautiful voice behind her.
she turned around to see a handsome guy standing near the tree where she was pacing in front of.

"you nervous, love?"

"that would be an understatement." she chuckled lowly and dryly and looked down, already knowing that it was theo, just from his voice.

she didn't know why she got nervous around this guy. maybe it was because he's the most handsome guy that she's ever met, or that she just gets butterflies around him.

theo jones

he sat in his car, building up the courage to go walk up to her. he saw her pacing, then stop, then continued pacing. it made him laugh. everything about her made him laugh. she was nice and not easy to get, that's for sure. even from the back, she looked beautiful. her auburn-brown wavy locks cascading down her back, flying as the wind hit her face.

he thought back to when he first talked to her, saying that she wanted four dozen macarons delivered to her house and when she called again, she was being too sarcastic for theo, so he ended the call just to laugh.

he wanted to meet her. to see her. not just the back of her head and body. he wanted to cradle her in his arms and to call her his. he wanted her.

she needs to be mine. theo thought as he picked up the man balls to get out of his car and walked over to where bella was. he was guessing she didn't hear him walk towards her because she kept on pacing.

"you nervous, love?" his voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken in a while. right, as he uttered that question, bella had turned around. wow, she was even more beautiful in real life.

"that would be an understatement." she chuckled lowly and dryly, then looking down. even though he had heard her voice more than a few times, it was music to his ears. he might've sounded poetic and sappy, but he didn't care.

she was standing right in front of him, cute as she could be and to answer his own question, yes, he was nervous and he could tell that she was too.

"why did you stop talking to me for that month?" her voice roped him out of his thoughts and the smirk from his face dropped.

"i was afraid."

"of what?" she took a hesitant step towards him, but he didn't back away. he kept his feet planted firmly on the grass, which was slowly dying.

"to hear your voice."


he sighed and this time he took step towards her.

"i didn't know if you wanted to talk to me again."

"theo," she whispered. "talking to you is the highlight of my day. i love hearing your voice and when will picked up the phone that day, i knew something was up. you were the one that was on phone duty, so why didn't you pick up? i guessed that it had something to do with me, so i stopped calling the bakery."

theo took another hesitant step towards her small frame and whispered back, "it wasn't you, it was me."

she laughed, "that was the most cheesiest thing that you've ever said to me."

another step forward. they were so close that their chests were touching and he leaned down to her ear and whispered, "i'll take that as a compliment."

bella looked up at his face and he could see tears brimming his eyes. "oh hell." that was the last thing she said before she pulled his head down to hers so that their lips crashed together. he stumbled at first, but regained his posture and circled his arms around her waist, as she wrapped hers around his neck.

the kiss was sweet and hungry. he licked her bottom lip and she accepted gladly as her lips parted so that he could slip his tongue in her mouth. they fought for dominance, when finally he won. he controlled her and the kiss became more powerful.

they finally parted when they ran out of breath, their foreheads still touching.

"what are we?"

"you're mine." he growled, his voice husky.

"and you're my sarcastic monkey." they laughed, as she recalled back to that call they had when they were both sarcastic.

"i wouldn't want anything else, love." he rejoined their lips, and this time it was light and fluffy, still tired from the kiss before, they didn't care how they kissed, at least they were together, and it all started with macarons.


yay! it's done! i hope you liked this short story and sorry for the crappy ending, as of right now, tenth of january (because i'm writing this early) this story is number 734 in short stories. let's get it up to 100, yeah? so keep voting and thank you for reading.

- ray.

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