50-can't help falling in love

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Ryland's POV
I was hugging Shane with my head nuzzled in his neck
"You know I live you right?"he said rubbing my back
I nodded and hugged him tighter as tears from the emotional and physical pain my mother caused me today
Your fault
Your fault
Your fault
The words kept replaying in my head over and over again for what felt like forever as I started to breathe heavily and i couldn't speak so I grabbed Shane's sides
"Ryland?,you okay,do you want water?"he asked pulling his hands off my back
I nodded and he went to grab me a bottle of water
I began to feel dizzy and felt as if I had no air
"Here's your water baby,Ryland you okay?"I heard shane say then darkness
Shane's POV
"Here's your water baby,Ryland you okay?"I said then he passed out
"Ryland?"I said running over to him
I lifted him to the couch and layed him down
I glided my thumb over the top of his hand
I just figured he passed out from an anxiety attack due to the amount of stress being put on him right now
After what was about only ten minutes his beautiful blue eyes fluttered open
"I thought I was over there"he said pointing to behind the couch
"You where but you passed out"I said handing him the water
"Oh yeah"he mumbled then took a sip of the water
I moved over and wrapped my arm around his waist then kissed his forehead
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you babty"I said as he rested his head on my shoulder
"Same to you"he smiled then pecked my lips
I smiled at him,"do you wanna lay down?"I asked
He nodded tiredly as I rubbed his arm
I picked him up bridal style and carried him to our room as he fell asleep in my arms
I kissed his forehead and layed him softly on the bed
I layed down next to him cradling him in my arms
Hey guys!!!I just wanna say thanks for reading this story for 50 parts I love you all so much and the fact that this story almost has 10k is amazing thanks again I love you all so fucking much

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