67-wedding pt.1

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Rylands POV
i woke up at home with uno next to me
We decided to keep the tradition of me and shane not seeing each other the morning of our wedding so shane stayed at Drew's house because Drew is his best man
I looked over at uno and smiled
Finally i can be with shane forever
Shane's POV
"What if i can't do this Drew?"i asaid pacing around his kitchen
"Shane"he said grabbing my shoulders"just remember that you love ryland and that you're going to be fine"he said
I took a minute to process that i was going to be fine and exactly how lucky i am to have found the one


I was in drews car in my suit so nervous
What is he doesn't show up
What if something goes wrong
What if we fall out of love
Thoughts rushed through my head
"Shane you're visibly shaking calm down"Drew said slightly laughing
I just took a big breath in and tried to calm down
I wish lisa could be here to see this
I felt tears form in my eyes but they didn't fall yet
I stared up and tried my best to blink them away but failed
"We're here"Drew said getting out of the car
"Okay I'll be there in a minute"i said looking down at my feet tears falling
I wiped my eyes and smiled at the sight of the church where me and ryland are having the ceremony
I got out and looked up at the beautiful blue sky with just small fluffy white clouds
I stared closer and saw clouds that made out the letters LS
Lisa's initials,i smilled up at them
"I miss you"i whispered then walked into the doors that hold the first steps of the rest of my life

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