Chapter 5

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The five had reached Snowbelle Town. Serena was thinking hard of another way to make Dawn hate Ash. The burned picture plan was a success. Dawn wouldn't even to talk to Ash! She would ignore him whenever he talked to her. Ash was trying everything to make Dawn forgive him, but it was hard, considering that she would pretend he wasn't alive.

"Serena, isn't your Pokemon Showcase today?" Dawn asked.

"Ooo! Is it! If yes, you and Dawn should make your pokemon perform now, cause when you do, it's really pretty!" Bonnie said.

"Yea, but last time Serena performed for you, somehow glitter came in mine and Ash's hair. Remember?" Clemont asked.

"Yeah. It took a couple days to get it out." Ash said, playfully glaring at Serena.

"It was an accident, and yes, Dawn. My Showcase is today." She said. "It's in a couple hours." Suddenly, Bonnie thought of an idea to bring Ash and Dawn closer to each other.

"I KNOW! Let's do a scavenger hunt of the city! Each time can around, and they have to buy or get at least one thing from a certain area here! Please, guys?" Bonnie said, almost begging.

Clemont, Serena, Dawn and Ash agreed. What could possibly go wrong?

"Okay! We first need to get Fresh Water from the Snowbelle Gym, free Makeup Samples at the boutique here, and, in a place called Winding Woods, there's a special berry there. It's called the Lansat Berry. Your team will have to get a Fresh Water, Makeup Samples, and a Lansat Berry! Come back to our room at the Pokemon Center when you're done!Winner gets an Old Gateau and RageCandyBar!" Bonnie exclaimed.




"I think that they're trying to say they want to stay in our rooms, instead of help us with our scavenger hunt." Dawn said. Clemont went to put the pokemon there, and he volunteered to stay there, so each team would have an even number of people.

"Okay! First team...Me and Serena! Team 2 is Ash and Dawn!" Bonnie said. "C'mon, Serena, let's go to the boutique!" Bonnie dragged Serena away before Dawn had a chance to complain.

"Okay, do you want to get the Fresh Water first?" Ash asked. Dawn marched off to the gym, ignoring him. She went to the gym guide, and he gave her fresh water.

"What was the next item...?" She asked.'

"Make-up Samples. At the Snowbelle Boutique." Ash answered. He made a mental note to thank Bonnie for putting him and Dawn on the same team. The two headed off to the boutique, and Dawn asked the saleslady for some Makeup Samples. After getting those two, they went to the Winding Woods.

"Where, exactly, is a Lansat Berry? This forest is huge! It could be anywhere!" Dawn said.

"Maybe they're over there?" Ash said, pointing to another part of the forest. There were lots of berry trees there. Ash walked over there, and...

"ASH! NO!" Dawn screamed. This startled Ash, who lost his balance. Dawn ran and grabbed his wrist, but, unfortunately, The two fell down. What happened was there was a gorge down there, and Dawn tried to save Ash from falling down in it. She half succeeded. He didn't just fall in it...Dawn did, too. While they were falling, Ash positioned himself so in such a way that Dawn wouldn't get hurt from the fall. Instead, he would. As the two landed in the gorge, the first thing Ash said was

"So you're talking to me."

Dawn gave him a dirty look. "I don't want my friend to be stuck in a gorge because of a stupid scavenger hunt."

"Dawn, do you really think I would burn your picture? I'm not mean. I would never imagine doing that." Ash said.

That's what Dawn had been thinking. But, he was the only one who knew how Johanna had died. So how else...?
"Probably Braixen burned it on accident or something." Ash suggested. "It hurts me to see you upset, but it hurts me even more when your angry with me. Please, i'm innocent! Forgive me, Dawn."

Dawn looked into his eyes. How could Ash burn the picture? It was impossible. He loved her too much.

"You're right. Maybe Braixen burned it on accident. I can't imagine you burning it. You would never do such a thing." She said.

Ash was relived. Finally, she believed him! Still, even if Braixen did burn it on accident.. was it just a coincidence that Johanna and Dawn, in the picture, were separated?

"So...does that mean that we're together again?" He asked.

"Since when did we break up?" The two smiled. Ash slowly leaned forward and kissed Dawn.

Meanwhile, with Bonnie and Serena...

Bonnie was regretting sending everyone to find a Lansat Berry. That was the only thing she needed to find, and she couldn't find it! She saw, a bit further from where she and Serena was, lots of berry trees.

"Serena! I'll check over there." Bonnie said, pointing to the berry trees.

"Okay. Remember, Lansat Berries are are orange, and are kind of star-shaped." Serena replied. Bonnie went off to that berry tree area. However, she was unaware of the gorge. She fell down in it...and saw Ash and Dawn kissing!

"YAY!" She said, causing Ash and Dawn to quickly break apart.

"You two made up! And like each other! Are you two dating?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes, to all your questions." Dawn said.

"Bonnie, DON'T tell anyone about Dawn and me." Ash said. "Please."

"Why not? You two look very cute together."

"Bonnie, it's going to be a surprise for everyone. I'll tell them after the Kalos League." Ash said.

"BONNIE! ASH! DAWN! GRAB ON!" The three looked up, and saw three ropes coming down. They held on tightly, and the ropes slowly lifted them out of the gorge.

"Thanks to my new machine, I saved your life!" Clemont said. Serena found out that Bonnie fell in the gorge, so she went to get Clemont.

"Science is so amazing!" Ash said. Suddenly, Clemont's machine blew up.

"Both teams were amazing, so everyone gets and Old Gateau and RageCandyBar!" Bonnie announced, handing out the candies.

The end ! Ash and Dawn are together

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