After hearing that, I looked into my purse trying to see where my pepper spray was and it was definitely gone. Before I could even say anything he started to speak again.

Ryan: baby you a little bit too crazy to be carrying these around. I know you like the back of my hand now.

He said laughing as he proceeded to push the cart, I could never have any type of fun with Ryan trying to ruin it. I walked behind him now ready to leave the store. My headaches were starting to come back and so was the cramps I had in my stomach. I had no idea what this feeling was but I assumed I just needed to rest more.

Shaun POV

I sat in my car looking at the various Instagram post of Thomas on my phone. At first it was only one person who posted him, next thing you know he was all I seen on my timeline. I felt devestated and bitter that I didn't know who killed him, but I also felt bad for not speaking to him for a long time. Coming into college, Thomas, Rich , and I were very close. All 3 of us would eat at the nearby cafe every night and try to hit on girls we liked. Thomas never joined because he was always in love with Angie. It wasn't until I met Ross that we ended up not speaking to each other anymore. I found a way for some fast money if the NBA wasn't guaranteed and Thomas wasn't down for it.

He was always a wild guy but whenever I tried to get him to sell he always declined. So I decided to go on without him and show off the money I was making in his face, the beef started to be so bad we were almost about to fight one day. However, Rich and him still had remained close. He would always say I changed and that he didn't know who I was anymore. I never took him serious until the day his child was born and I wasn't allowed in the room to be apart of it, but Rich was. After that, I accepted what it was but now that he was gone, I felt bad for everything I had did to him.

I guess you could say before I started working for Ross I was less cruel, more controllable. I never wanted that to come in between my friendship. But shit started to happen where I needed the money and then I met Brittany, next thing you know everything was going down hill. I looked at a picture of all three of us on our first day at campus. Where did everything go wrong?

I never meant to end up putting my hands on Fantasy and my intentions were to never hurt her. I ended up wanting her so bad I lost my friendship with someone who had never betrayed me. Rich was always a person I could count on but once I found out he wanted the girl I was supposed to have, I just couldn't take it. I'm tired of always coming in second place with him. I became so mad with him I had to hide Trinity's body in his trunk, it was my revenge. From time to time I felt like turning myself in but I always decided to put it in the back of my mind. He wanted to take the girl of my dreams, steal my shine on the court, and mess up my money with Ross. It was no way in hell I was going to let him get away with all this.

I told my parents Brittany was pregnant with another niggas baby so now it was no way I could marry her, but I didn't tell them the baby was gone. I had got word on the street where Dalvin lived so killing this nigga before he killed me wasn't a problem. Then Ross would see I don't need Rich's help with none of this shit.

My phone started to ring, picking it up it said unknown caller but I decided to answer anyway.

Me: who this?

?: Tammy

Me: look Tammy, I don't got time for you right now I got shit to take care of.

Tammy: this is important, Dalvin just shot up the house, Ross got hurt but he's okay, things aren't too pretty right now. Get down here, now.

After trying to understand what she was saying, I slammed on the gas pedal and started to head to the drug house to see what was going on. I was furious that Dalvin managed to try to come for us again without getting caught. I knew I was in big trouble with Ross because I was supposed to be killing this nigga a long time ago, so I was nervous to see what he had to say.

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