"Celine isn't here, but would you like something to drink? Or eat? I would be more than happy to make you something."

"Something to drink, please." Michael nodded. "Anything would be fine, thank you."

Ariah winked at him before leaving out of the room. She went into the kitchen and did a little dance before starting to make two cups of black tea for Michael and herself. She hummed the song that he and her father had just released to the world, The Girl Is Mine.

"I trust that you like the song."

It had only been about two minutes since she left the den and Michael had already missed being in her presence.

"Oh," Ariah jumped, becoming startled at Michael's sudden appearance in the kitchen. She immediately wondered if he saw her horrible dance moves. He had already noticed the tune she was lightly humming. Embarrassment had crept into Ariah and within her light complexion, a hint of pink rosiness began to form.

"I love it." Giggles escaped the young girl's lips. "It's fantastic. I listen to it a lot, especially since my father has several personal recordings of it."

"That's wonderful." He chuckled. "I'm glad you love it. It means the world to me that you, of all people, love it."

"Why me?"

"You're just special, sweetheart."

"You are too, Michael."

Ariah was internally screaming at the fact that Michael called her special and referred to her as a sweetheart in the same sentence. She handed him the cup of steaming black tea along with a spoon.

"I bet this is delicious."

"This what they drink back in England." Ariah explained. "Well, they make black tea like this in England."

A few minutes had passed and Michael finally trusted that the tea was cool enough to drink. When he took a sip, his taste buds fell in love with it.

"This is amazing, Ariah." Michael gave her a small smile and took another sip before taking a full-on gulp of tea down. "Sweetheart, this is the best thing. I love it."

"Well, good." Ariah smiled and heard the front door open. "I think my mother might be home with Zuri."

"She's a cute little girl, Zuri." Michael pointed out and waited for Linda and Zuri to come down into the kitchen.

"My baby." Ariah took a sip of her tea as Zuri rushed into the kitchen.


"Sissy, hi!" Ariah greeted her younger sister with a hug and kiss on the cheek. She picked her up and placed her on the counter to have a seat. "You know who that is?" She pointed at Michael, who was grinning from ear to ear at the McCartney sisters interact with each other.

"It's your lover!" Zuri loudly blurted out, causing Ariah to turn bright red. She had always told Zuri about how she loved Michael, but never thought she would tell him aloud.

"No, he's not."

"She's my friend." Michael chimed in and claimed, while Zuri studied him closely. "Hi, I'm Michael."

"I know you." Zuri giggled. "You're all over Riah's wall!"

"Zuri!" This was the fourth time Ariah found herself blushing around Michael. "Ugh, maybe it's time for you to get down."

"No, I want to stay up here." Zuri exclaimed, with her legs hanging off of the edge of the high counter. "How are you today, Michael?"

"I'm good, Zuri. How are you?"

"I'm very smiley." Zuri gave him a huge smile, causing her older sister and the superstar to laugh at her cuteness.

"I'm glad." Michael kind of giggled and sipped on his tea slowly. "It's good to be smiley."

"It sure is." Ariah agreed, looking at the clock on the wall. "I don't know if you want to keep waiting for my father. He's been gone and I don't know where he is. I don't even know when he's coming back or if he's coming back."

"Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce!" Zuri solemnly announced to Michael as Ariah sighed at the reminder.

"I know. I'm sorry, Zuri." Michael apologized. "Everything will be okay." He reassured her, then he looked at Ariah and nodded. "Trust me on this one, everything will be okay." The superstar smiled and made his way over to Ariah and lightly squeezed her shoulder, causing her to go insane inside. Michael leant over to whisper in her ear, "More cartoons now? Or are you tired of me being here at your house?"

"I'll never be tired of you being over here." Ariah told him, with a smile creeping upon her lips. "Never ever."

"Good." He grinned at her and then walked back over to Zuri. "Would you like to watch cartoons with me and your sister?"

"Yessir!" She giggled and he gently placed her on the floor. She ran into the den so fast, it was almost hilarious.

Michael linked his elbow with Ariah's elbow, preparing to go back into the den to continue watching cartoons. "Shall we, Ariah?"

"We shall, Michael."

The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon watching cartoons, unbothered and content. Michael hadn't had such fun in a long time and Ariah was elated to be around him. Even little Zuri was happy to have a guest over. When they realized the girls were made aware that their father wouldn't be coming home that evening, Michael still stayed for a long time to be with them. He was a good friend, offering the McCartney daughters support and a smile when they needed it the most.

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