5 ; A Green Car

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My eyes wander to the city again. I see houses lined perfectly and roads curving just around them. The sun is shining brighter by the second, rising higher ever so slightly. I see cars on the roads and then I notice the windows reflecting the sunlight. 

A green car drives parallel to me and the sunlight hits it perfectly. The light is reflected directly at me. 

The sharpness hurts my eyes but only for a split second.

But then it comes again. The light. 

The green car becomes a green eye so sharp I can't look away. 

The eye comes so close I can see the reflection in the pupil. 

It's another green car. The car races faster and faster and then it's a rocket and then it's a knife.

The sun falls and darkness surrounds me. 

Something is glinting and when I look down I'm holding a knife. 

I see bloodstreams cascading down my forearm like the roots of a flower and my lips part.


I wake up with a gasp. My breath is heavy and my whole body is cold-sweating.

Someone knocks at my door and I panic. I look down at myself and see my hands covered in blood. My jeans are splattered with red dots of guilt and I feel bile rise in my throat. 

I take deep breath, trying to collect myself, before diving under the covers.

"Come in." My voice is rough and it irks my throat.

"Honey, it's five minutes past seven. You need to get up. You're already five minutes later than usual," my mom speaks softly, gliding into my bedroom.

My mouth opens and I'm about to bombard her with a hundred white lies, but she stops me with her gasp.

"Oh honey! You look terrible. What happened to your jaw!? You can't go to school like this. Do you have a fever?" She starts frantically feeling my face. 

"Come on. Get up and follow me to the bathroom." I panic at this when she starts tugging at my sheets.

"No, don't. I-ehh...I don't feel so well. I just need to sleep it off. I'm okay. The jaw-It's complicated, but I'm fine. I promise." I give her a weak smile, but she doesn't look any more relieved. In fact, she looks like she's about to have a panic attack. Her breaths are shallow and her shoulders are tensed. Her eyes are about to pop out of her skull and she can't seem to calm down.

"Tell me what happened," she says.

I remain silent. 

"Adeline Rose Benedetto, tell me what happened." Her voice is stern and I know she won't let this go.

I huff. "It's embarrassing. I really don't want to tell you..." I try to say, but she only raises her eyebrows, placing her hands on her hips. 

"Okay! I'll tell you... I was on my way home from Hailee when I face planted on the pavement because my shoelaces weren't tied. I came home at around eight-thirty, but I didn't tell you cuz' I didn't want to worry you..."

I don't look her in the eyes when I say it. She remains silent and for a second I feel bad for lying. She's my mom. She deserves to know the truth. 

If I tell her, she might even be able to help me. I mean, thats what mothers do best right? Help their kids through anything. Know how to solve their problems.

She starts vigorously shaking her head and heads for my door. "Okay...Okay, but it's not an excuse to skip school. I'm gonna call the school and let them know you'll be late, but you're still going. I'll give you an hour before you need to be out the door."

"Thanks mom," I say sarcastically as she closes the door.

I just lie in my bed for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling. 

How can she make me go to school in this condition? My body is sore all over. My chin is throbbing and it hurts to move it. My mind is tired and my eyelids want to close forever. 

Silence surrounds me but when I can't take it anymore I rip the sheets off of me and head for my bathroom.

I hastily strip down and basically sprint towards the shower. The warm stream calms my muscles and I let my shoulders slump. I look down only to find pink water pooling at my feet and I panick. My hands start scrubbing my skin until its red. 

When the water turns clear again I calm down and my thoughts wander to Jackson.

I hated him, but I couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome. 

Scratch that. He was fucking hot. But in the end he only burned me.

He looked about my age, maybe two years older, making him about 19 years old. I'd never seen him around town before though and I don't remember him from school. And I think I would've remembered a face like that.

The water is becoming colder now, indicating that I have used up all the warm water. I quickly dry myself down with a soft towel. All this time I have avoided really looking in the mirror but now I have to. I need to change the bandage.

I turn to my reflection and I guess I should've been shocked. But I'm not. 

My whole chin is covered in a white bandage, red peeking through.

I lean closer and slowly peel of the tape. The wound is open, but blood isn't seeping through, which means the actual wound isn't as deep as it feels. The skin around it is bruised purple and blue, but when I touch it I don't really feel anything.

I quickly tend to the wound and then put on some yoga pant's and a sports bra. I'm not going to school today. I'm in no condition to socialize. Mom will never know. I'll stay in my room all day and just remain silent.

Me: need u 2 cover for me. Moms been @ my ass...

Ty: what do u need me 2 do?

Me: I need u 2 say I was @ school.

Ty: And why wouldn't u be?

Me: cuz I just can't be

Ty: why?

Me: cuz

Ty: that's not a real answer...I ain't helping unless u tell me;)

God Tyler! Take a hint.

Me: cramps...

Ty: oh, sucks 2 be u!

Me: TYLER! are u in or nah?

Ty: relax, I got your back ;) xx

Me: xx

I smile and throw my phone on my bed before making my way to my desk.



Mostly filler chapter, but important for the next ones.

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