Animal (OneShot)-Lauren/You

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Day 1: Teeth

 I woke up the next morning to a scream, I jumped out of my bed and rushed down to the living room where I had left the raven haired girl for the night.

When I arrived in the living room I found Lauren staring at herself in the mirror, her mouth slightly open.

I walked up behind her and tried to look at what she was seeing. That's when I saw it, her teeth were razor sharp and pointy, they kinda looked like shark teeth. This was stage one of the transformation, only the beginning of all the pain she'd have to go through.

There's no way out of this, once you're infected you can't die, The Animals live forever no matter what.

I watched her as she looked at herself in the mirror, crying her eyes out before I took a step closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my embrace.

For the rest of the day she sat in my arms, crying and wishing that this would stop and somehow she would be magically cured.

Sadly that wouldn't happen.

Day 2: Veins

I woke up with Lauren still in my arms, she had cried herself to sleep that night and I was there to hold her the whole time. Lauren's head was in my lap, I looked down at her and instantly my eyes widened, her skin had gone really pale and her veins on her arms were turning a purplish color.

I didn't want to wake her up or frighten her so I kept calm and gently stroked her hair so that she would wake up and know that she was still beautiful.

As the minutes went by the raven haired girl slowly woke up, her pale arm went up and rubbed her eye, wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

I continued to stroke her hair until she sat up, she looked over at me a small smile on her face.

"Sorry I kept you up" She rasped out, her voice still sounding as if she was asleep.

"I don't mind, are you hurting any?" I asked her, my concern lacing my voice.

"Just a little but I'll get use to it" She said then finally looked down at her arms, she jumped and hid them under the blanket I had covered us up with last night.

A tear slipped out of her eye as she looked me in the eyes, fearful of what I could of seen, but I don't care about that, when I look into her eyes I feel a lot of things, I may have only known the girls for about two days but I could only wish that we met under different conditions, preferably ones where she wasn't slowly losing herself and I didn't have to watch.

"You're still beautiful" I said as I wiped her tears away, she went as if she was going to bite her lip but when one of her teeth reached her lip she instantly stopped, her sharp tooth had pricked her lip and a little bit of blood had came to the surface.

She winced in pain and I retracted my hand from her eyes and brought it down to her lip, slowly wiping the little bit of blood away, she bashfully looked away, not daring to look me in the eyes but I wouldn't allow that. I placed my hand under her chin and made her face my direction, forcing her to look me in the eyes, we stayed locked in the stare off for quite some time before both of us were slowly leaning in. We were so close but instead of our lips touching, our forehead bumped against one another, causing us to quickly pull away from each other, rubbing our own foreheads.

"Sorry" We said in unison.

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't do that, I don't know if I could infect you by doing that" She said with a frown.

"You won't" I said in a hushed tone, I cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a short, loving kiss, putting everything I've got in to this one kiss, it's going to be her one of her last kisses so I have to make it good and it is my first, but I do plan on kissing her a few more times before she's totally gone.

Animal (OneShot)- Lauren/YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon