a/n: calum or adam?

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ok im so so sorry for these annoying a/n's but i want you to vote on the sequel either being about calum or adam's love life!!!

calum: i will most likely keep adam as a little child, calum meeting a girl but hesitantly falls in love because he doesnt want to get hurt again. it would be cute and fluffy seeing calum as a single dad, finding love again and being happy ! yay!


adam: adam is a now growing teenager who hopelessly falls in love with a girl, calum not approving due to previous complications with the tragic death of adam's mom. calum doesnt want adam to get hurt the same way he did. this will be a story of calum's cute and cheesy teenage son fighting for the girl he loves, even if it means disobeying his father's wishes.

SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment either "calum" or "adam" so i can start on the sequel asap!!!

i also dont want (if u pick it) adam's story to be trailing out of the whole "5sos fanfic" thing bc of course i will most likely add the other boys, maybe one even being adams highschool best friend. idk. just please comment what you think!

thanks so much for your time babies i love you all to the moon and back, i mean it when i say it.

stay stong kittens,

-luna, who really wants your opinions 

terrible things ↠ calum hood [COMEPLETED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora