Chapter 26: Celestial Day Part 1

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"I insist," I told her.

Without waiting to see if she would accept or not, I stepped away from them and slowly made my way to a long banquet table. An assortment of delicious sweets were scattered across the table, ranging from frosted pastries to triple tier cakes. In a crystalline bowl, there was a deep red punch, it looked a little thick and sticky but I didn't think too much about that. Pouring it into a tall glass, I was about to take a sip when a voice stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I spun around only to come face to face with the smirking devil- Roberto.

"And why not?" I asked, slamming the cup onto the table.

"No need to be hostile mi Amiga," Roberto held up his hands in gesture of surrender, "I just didn't think you would want to drink blood."

Blood? My stomach churned as I stared down at the cup. I was going to puke, I thought as I got a whiff the coppery smell.

"Are you okay, Amiga?" Roberto reached out to touch me but I slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine," I bit out, "And even if I weren't, I wouldn't need help from you."

Roberto's coal black eyes were lit ablaze as fed off of my anger. He opened his mouth, his tongue laced with poison and ready strike when a newcomer interrupted our encounter. She was tall, almost as tall as Roberto and her posture was so poised, I swear that if someone placed leveler against her body they would have seen that she was a perfect 180 degree angle. She wasn't pretty. Her face was cut very sharply, and her lips were twisted into a permanent scowl but she had the most stunning eyes I had ever seen. They were practically colorless, like diamonds. The dress she wore was very similar to her face in the respects that it was very somber looking, with its heavy black fabric. There was nothing really special to her in regards of looks besides the eyes but I got this vibe that told me I didn't want to mess with her. Whoever she was, she was powerful and very dangerous.

"What is all this fuss about, Robbie?" She asked in a cold, unfeeling voice.

Roberto didn't look the least bit surprised by the newcomer's sudden appearance nor did he seem agitated by the nickname. The dreadful smirk that I usually received from him, disappeared as he looked at the girl. Instead of looking like the cocky bastard he was, he was smiling at the girl like a giddy schoolboy. Interesting, I thought as I spared the girl another glance.

"Liz," Roberto greeted, "I was looking for you all day."

"My apologies, dear brother, my carriage ran into some trouble on the way."

My heart stopped in my chest. The woman I was so carelessly judging was Elizabeth Moyer, my only hope to stay alive. And she also seemed to be really close with her brother, I realized as I studied them interact. She was the first person Roberto didn't pretend to like. Of course there was no emotional attachments, but that didn't seem to lessen her appeal to him. Perhaps it was because she was his only sibling or perhaps it was because she was powerful- either way I knew that he trusted her.

"I will hunt down your carriage driver," Roberto hissed.

"Don't waste your breath on him," She said, "Not when you could be telling me who this young lady is."

I fidgeted underneath her intimidating stare. She would make a really good principle, I thought, with all that glaring no one would ever get into trouble. She had kind of stare that made it look like she staring through you and not at you. It was also the kind of stare I couldn't help but turn my eyes away from.

Clearing his throat, Roberto said, "This is Caddie Böse. A long lost relative of ours."

"You don't say," she mused. She took one step forward and I had to fight down every urge to take one step back. All of my basic instincts were screaming at me. Bad Caddie! Stupid Caddie! Are you trying to die Caddie!

"Robbie, dear?" Elizabeth straightened her posture and gave her brother a terrifying smile- the kind that pit bulls tended to have. "I left my purse in the carriage. Do you mind getting it for me."

My mouth fell open when Roberto didn't even bat an eye and agreed. What the hell? The biggest, most badass warlock on the planet actually bowed down to someone? That revelation only caused me to be more frightened of the woman in front of me. Roberto listened to every word she said, and he ran after her purse like a puppy- what did she do in order to gain that kind of respect.

When Roberto was just out of earshot Elizabeth turned her attention back to me, the smile was gone. "Caddie Böse. You sure are trouble, aren't you?"


"Don't you 'what' me," she mocked, "You and your friends don't belong here and you're causing me a lot of trouble because of it."

"How do you know?" I asked incredulously.

She smirked, "I know everything about you Caddie Mae Jones Böse. You were born in a small town in Virginia, to Nathan and Nora Jones. Your mother, the former Dark Witch was killed, while you believed she died in a car accident. At a young age were diagnosed with a mental illness, alienating you from your peers and when you were fifteen years old your father had enough with you're weird behavior so he sent you Nox Haven Academy. From there you made a few friends, learned about your powers and fell in love once or twice. And now you're here, two hundred years in the past trying to meddle with forces that you're not ready to face."

I had no words for the woman in front of me. How could I? She knew my entire story and I never met her once. I dumbfounded, all I could offer in return was a blank stare.

"Close your mouth dear, you're going to catch flies," she laughed haughtily.

Snapping out of my retrieve I shook my head and tried to think of something to say. I needed something smart, or witty but all I could manage was, "How?"

"I'm your ancestor, did you expect me to be a weak witch? I know many things, just like how I know my brother was supposed to turn into a vampire but you stopped it. Now you've screwed everything up and I just can't have that. So you better listen closely my little grandchild," she made a flippant gesture with her hand and my wind pipe collapsed. I tried to breath but the air had nowhere to go. "You and your friends have one chance to make things right. If you don't, I will get involved and I can promise you, you don't want that. Do you understand, me?"

I nodded frantically. My face was turning purple as my starved lungs cried out for help. Elizabeth gave me one last chilled look before releasing her magical hold on my wind wipe. I whine escaped my lips, as I greedily sucked in gulps of oxygen.

"Why are you doing this," I asked, clutching my chest.

She smirked again, "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

**Well we met Elizabeth and she's a bitch but a powerful one at that. If anyone read the prologue and first chapter for Celestial Sisters you probably know who Elizabeth will be a hundred years from now. And for all of you who didn't read, I'm sure you guys are very confused why Elizabeth's physical description means anything, in which I shall respond with- check out the prologue and first chapter of celestial sisters, it can be found at the end of the Dark Witch. Hopefully everything went well on Jaxon and Aleksander's sides because we really don't want Elizabeth to get involved something tells me that will end in a lot of bloodshed. We are more than half half way through with the now and at the moment I haven't decided exactly how I want it to end. I have an idea, I'm just not sure how you guys will take it...
Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter! In part two, Caddie will find out if the boys did their part and tell them about Elizabeth. Also the three will get to feel the affects of the most magical night of the year and possibly take a trip to the dungeons? Please keep reading to find out what happens.

Thank you for all of the support!

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