When he introduces you to his friends

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Ok so it might be 2 early to meet his friends so I'm going to say this is 2 weeks After you guys started dating

Enjoy 😆


*Knock knock*

You heard a knock at your door you look through the peep hole you then open the door

Hey naruto


Come in

You closed the door he then kissed you


He walked past you and he turned around to face you closing the door you then turned to look at him He then stood there infront of you looking nervous like

So why are you here

What do you mean why am I here I can't visit my girlfriend

You always do but when you come you go to the kitchen and lay on my couch or we go out and eat

Well I'm trying different things

Uh yeah no what do you want from me

He started rubbing the back of his neck nervously

Um well you see

O my gosh


Please tell me your not going to ask me an innapropriate question because no

What do you mean innapropriate questi---- ohhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh oh no no no that was not what I was going to ask

Then what were you going to ask me

Um I want you to meet my friends

Oh well then No

What come on please

Naruto I don't do well with meeting or talking to people that I don't know, especially since their high in coolness and I'm just me I'm below them

Come on they really want to meet you
No they just want to see what I look like so they can judge me and tell me I'm not pretty enough

My friends are guys and girls they won't say that their really nice please Yn for me

I can't I'm 2 shy and akward

They don't believe I have a girlfriend



Why don't they *laughs* that's funny

They just don't

So you want them to see me so you can prove you have a girlfriend not for me to meet them

Well I want to prove I have a girlfriend and I really want you to meet them I kinda have been telling them all about you

How much

About what you look like and about your personality and that's it

Did you tell them about me being abused

No I didn't want to expose you or anything can you just please meet them

Mabye when

Right Now well in a few minutes you have to get dressed first

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