Ya boyfriend part 2 when he protect you (Sasuke)

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Pretend thats you with Sasuke


You woke up the next morning Happy and peaceful you were sad because Sasuke said to stop hanging out with him you didn't know why you felt so sad that you couldn't hang out with him but Now you know that you might like Sasuke more than you thought

You took a shower and put some outside clothes on you then brushed your teeth ok You did your normal morning routine in the bathroom you then got your phone of the charger you got your shoes and your purse you went down stairs to see your house trashed

You were wearing this with whatever purse you want

You were wearing this with whatever purse you want

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*Gasp* "O my gosh who would do this"

You look at your broken glass table you look at your smashed plates and and cups everything that you paid so much money for gone your picture frames everything you look in the living room


You paid so much money for that

"How did I not hear all this last night I don't get it"

You started tearing up You didn't know how your going to pay for all this

"Why I don't get it Why would somebody do this"

You then put your shoes on and left you took your car and drove to the cafe
--------At the cafe--------------------------------

You sat down,you ordered your food and drinks you then enjoyed your food while you were eating somebody sat across from you

You looked up you You saw sasuke staring at you he's elbow on the table his chin on his hand

"Why are you staring at me like that"
you said

you look sad or mad he said

how do you know that

you look like it

Is it noticeable

No but for me I can tell emotion better than any other person

Well I am mad And I am sad


My house is completely trashed Everything is broken I think somebody broke into my house last night I don't even know how I didn't hear anything

Really Do you know who it is


I think I know someone

I don't know, why would He do that tho

Probably beacuse you keep hanging out with me

You then look down and kept eating

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