She is not an it

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(y/c)= your city

( In this book no one has died and Bruce never left)

Narrator's POV:

Explosions could be heard from all around, buildings crumble and the screams of civilians echoed off every surface. The whole of the avengers team were fighting HYDRA to stop them from taking mutants from (y/c), in the midst of the fighting Thor sees a HYDRA agent trying to get away with a poor defenseless baby. The sound of the infants cry's fill his ears and make him angrier than he has been in a very long time. The clouds darken and thunder crashes above the fight, Thor punches the current HYDRA agent he is fighting in the face and they crumble to the ground. Seeing the agent with the baby in the distance he begins to sprint towards them, ignoring everything that is going on around him and focusing solely on the safety of the baby.

Once he catches the HYDRA agent he takes the baby in one arm and the agents throat in his other hand. Looking around for the closest avenger he sees Petro and shouts to him " PETRO!!" before Thor could blink Petro was at his side fighting off anyone that tried to attack either of them. He looked at the baby in Thor's arm and back to Thor who was restraining himself from breaking the agent's neck who currently he had in his hand. Thor looked to Petro and said " take this small human to safety, let nothing happen to her or I shall unleash the unrestrained wrath of a thunder god upon thee" he handed the fragile infant to Petro who then left with out a second thought.

Once he felt the child was safe he began beating the agent he was holding letting out the anger he had been controlling. Everyone had stopped fighting Cap looked around to see Thor destroying the agent, he ran over and tried to stop him but Thor threw him off unfazed. Soon Cap, Iron Man and Bucky were pulling him off the agent once they did Thor left without saying a word to find Petro and the child. The rest of the avengers came over to look at the agent and were horrified to see a bloody pulp of a person.

When Thor returned to the Quinn jet he saw Petro holding the sleeping baby in his arms. Placing down his Mjolnir he slowly approached the two and smiled knowing she was safe. Petro looked up to see Thor " I kept her safe just like you said to so don't go all thunder god on me and unleash your wrath", Thor smiled " Do not worry the small human is safe so I have no reason to cause thee harm". He took the child in his arms looking down at her whilst she slept peacefully, he had taken a liking to the baby in his arms he could not understand why but that did not matter all he knew was that this child would be his to protect and care for as best as a thunder god like him could.

When the rest of the team got to the jet they took off heading back to HQ. Once they arrived Thor took the baby inside to deal with what he knew was coming, the onslaught from Tony and Steve, as soon as he had sat down they began questioning him. " what were you thinking?" Tony questioned "what about it's parents, you can't just take it from them"

"she is not an it"

"Tony's right for once, we should return the child to its parents"

Thor was growing impatient with the two and their constant calling of the little human an " it ". Although he did not want to admit it he knew he may not be able to keep her like he wanted and that she may have to be returned home to her parents. Even the thought of this made the thunder god sad because in the small time he had her for he had grown very fond of her.

Thor stood with the baby in his arms and looked to the nagging men before him as he did she began to cry sensing his anger " if it brings you both such concern then search for her parents, I am quite sure man of iron that it should be no problem for you and your technology, so rather than stand before me and complain do something that will benefit us and find her parents." With that Thor walked out to calm his little human down leaving behind a very shocked Tony and Steve.


Sorry its such a short chapter the next one should be longer

let us know what you think of it :)




~Natsu & Aurora

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