A pink petal landed on Yuuri's head and layed there , until a gush of wind flew , it fell into the ground again .

A doctor , dressed in white from head to toe , pushed opened the door as he carried his board using his spare hand . His eyes brows were arched downwards and he glanced at World Famous Figure Skater , Katsuki Yuri .
A frown made it's way on his face as he walked closer to examinate the unconscious male .

'You look like a lifeless vessale , broken and torn . '

"Wake up. " The doctor mumbled , his words laced with pain . He bit his lips when the room remained silent .
It was pointless after all .
He wanted to scream it through the streets that cut their gleaming paths through the city blocks , scream it at the thousand windows that punched squares of light in the night .

It has already been 3 months . It felt as long as 3 years . He had enough , if he could , he wanted to shake his best friend as hard as he could to wake him up , his heart felt like it has been ripped apart by a knife that pierced so deeply inside him . His throat had a buring sensation as it became swollen , making it harder for him to breath . He could feel tears dwelling in his eyes , about to fall .

'Shit . I'm not crying ' The man thought as he wiped the tears away with his sleeve .

He can't bare to look at Yuuri's condition , it was deteriorating day by day . It's not getting any better . Unless there's a miracle , his dear friend might just survive this . He dearest friend would be all healthy and strong again . They could laugh together and hang out in the ice rink again.

"So , hurry up , wake up . I'll wait for you , Yuuri. " After saying he turned his back to face the door , only to find a middle aged woman standing beside it , wearing an expression of emptiness .

"Aunty Hiroko ......"He bowed as he greeted .

"Hey there , kino. Is it still the same ? Yuuri's condition . " She barely asked , voice sounded like a whisper , her brown eyes looking straight into kino's emerald one . Grief lingered in her orbs as her eyes were swollen and red . Anyone can tell  that she cried . It was too obvious .

"It's still the same , but ......slight worser" , He replied , he dare not to say more . It might break her heart even more .

"Oh ...I see..." Hiroko voice trailed off , she remained unfazed by what she heard , it's nothing to be surprised about . This was not the first time .

Deadly silence took over the room .

"I should leave now, " kino lied and looked at his watch before continuing , his voice was trembling , " take care , Aunty Hiroko " .

He has to get out , if he stayed any longer , he might just end up bursting out in tears.

Before Kino stepped out of the room , he heard " Kino-Kun , thanks for taking care of my son "

"No problem"

He quickly threw out the words before running ,away from her and from Yuuri.

He covered his mouth and bit his lips hard , enough to make it bleed , restraining himself from crying , the voice that needs to come out , he has to hold it back . Beads of tears streamed down his cheeks . It is unstoppable .

'Stop it already'

Hiroko sat on the chair, her gaze focused on her son's frame . She observed how his chest would rise and fall with each second passing by and how his hair would sway along by the wind's direction when it blows . She held Yuuri's hand and was not surprised by how cold it was . His hand felt as cold as the ice in the rink .

She merely said ," Yuuri , you see , mum has missed you. She missed hearing your sweet voice . She missed doing lots of things with you ......"She paused , having the urge to cry ," Why won't you wake up ? " Tears made their way from her eyes , tracing all over her face . The room remained silent that she felt like she was talking to herself . Hiroko fingers traced Yuuri's ice cold cheeks , and gently she caressed it .

Hiroko's Pov

I miss you . Stop sleeping , Yuuri . It is really time to wake up . Everyone was so worried for you . I thought to myself . He can't hear it anyway .
As I removed my hand from Yuuri , my fingers curved into a tight fist , bitterness slipped inside me . Why ? Why does my son have to suffer like this ? He has done nothing wrong ......
God , why are you treating him like this ? W-why are you so unfair ?
Out of a sudden , I was startled by the sound of my phone ringing inside my pocket . I took it out and cleared my throat before picking it up .

"Hiroko , Vicchan ......he....." It was my husband . I could hear sadness in his words . I might have an idea of what has happened . Please , anything but that

"Don't tell me Vicchan has ......? " My words trembled and quavered . My heart beat rapidly under my chest as I was shaking hard . No , it's not happening ......Even Vicchan ?

" Vicchan left ."

My phone slipped from my hand and it fell hard onto the floor . You too ? Just at this moment ?

My poor son . Just what did you do to deserve this ? Having a tumor inside you is not enough and now your dog ? I could feel my stomach twisting , the air choking me . I can't breath . Silent tears fell all over again like a river . It felt like my heart has shattered into pieces just like the fragile pieces of broken glass .

I turned over and looked at my son , he was still sound asleep .

"Yuuri....Yuuri......my son....." I kept on mumbling his name as my hand clutched on my chest . Both of them are important , don't steal them , God .

Don't leave me , Yuuri , just like Vicchan did .

Despair  \di-'sper\
-To no longer have any hope or belief that a situation would improve or change

Grief  \'gref\
-deep sadness caused especially by someone or something's death .

Sorrow \'sär-(,)o, 'sor-\
-A feeling of sadness or grief.  caused especially by the loss of someone or something


-Mental or emotional suffering : sadness caused by some emotion problem

I'm hurt inside out . The feeling means for than what the dictionary explained .

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