Forbidden Secrets

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Too long have you spun
this golden thread sewn into our skins
curling around our throats
wicked tales and hidden sins

thudding hearts of a millennia
broken breaths and crumbling limbs
as we wade through these harsh waters
of your demise our soul shall sing

tear the jewels off your throats
the diamonds off your ears
we will dampen our skirts in your blood
this greed we do seek

glass thrones and laced
corsets in which you cannot
breathe, we are the corset
resting on your torso, your lungs

we are the glittering masks on your face
consequences of hierarchy
except your mask is weeping
and will make bleed your witchcraft lips

will smile a monstrous grin
at the sight of your graves dug
from the soil you buried alive
our fathers in

vengeance is sweet on our tongue
your screams a balm to our ears
we tell our stories from our side
guarded doors fly off their hinge,


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